Result of Mahadasha of Vimshottari Dasha

The results of the Mahadashas of various planets are being, briefly, described below.

When favourable :

Gain in wealth, varied comforts, favours from the king, rise in status.

Associated with the 5th lord: child birth.
With the 2nd lord: prosperity, vehicles.
With the 4th lord: vehicles.

When adverse :

Miseries, loss of wealth, disfavour of the ruler, foreign residence, loss of status, punishment, opposition from friends and relatives, loss of father.

When favourable:

Wide renown, prosperity, auspicious events at home, association with the ruler, accomplishment of undertakings, favour from the king, rise in status, child birth, growth of cattle, acquisition of white clothes. Particularly beneficial when located in the 2nd house.

When adverse :

Loss of wealth, physical and mental torment, trouble from servants, worries in connection with the mother, opposition to the ruler.

When favourable :

Rise in status, benefit from lands, gain of wealth, royal favours, acquisition of vehicles and clothes, gain in a foreign land, and generally good for siblings.

In a kendra or 3rd house: Gains through personal efforts, victory in war, royal favours and varied comforts in the beginning of the dasha, followed by some adverse results towards the end.

When adverse :

Loss of face, dominance by opponents, illness, accident-proneness.

When favourable :

Varied comforts, prosperity, religious inclinations, auspicious celebration, honour in foreign countries, recognition by a foreign ruler.

When adverse :

Displacement, mental anguish, loss of wife and child, unclean food, bodily suffering, loss of wealth. Relatively comfortable during the mid-portion of its dasha.

When favourable :

Rise in status, several comforts, royal favour, acquisition of vehicles, worship of gods and Brahmins, comforts from wife and children, study of Vedic chants and hymns, accomplishment through king’s grace and generally auspicious results.

When adverse :

Displacement, mental anguish, loss of cattle, pilgrimage. The beginning of the dasha is more hurtful, but gradually becomes favourable as it concludes.

When favourable :

Favours from the ruler, religious pursuits, learning and wealth, rise in status, varied physical comforts.

When adverse :

Displacement, great fear, loss of parents, illness to wife and child, inauspicious happenings, imprisonment, etc.

Note : Saturn is particularly favourable when associated with or aspected by benefics, in a kendra, trine or the 11th house, and in the signs of Jupiter (Dhanu, Meena).

When favourable:

Great comforts, wealth and prosperity, renown, gain of knowledge and learning, auspicious and virtuous deeds, good health, good food and earnings from business.

When adverse :

King’s wrath, mental anguish, opposition from relatives, foreign travel, servility, urinary ailments, loss of pleasure and wealth, fear from thieves and fire, loss of cows and land. Generally favourable in the beginning of the dasha, ruler’s favours in the middle of the dasha, followed by untoward results towards the concluding part of the dasha.

When favourable :

Acquisition of objects of desire, lordship of a village or town or country, foreign travel, varied comforts.

When adverse :

Imprisonment, loss of dear ones, displacement, mental anguish, illness, association with low people.

Note :Ketu in 3rd, 6th or 11th house causes rise in status in the beginning of the dasha, fears during the middle of the dasha, and distant travel during the concluding portion of the dasha.

When favourable :

Royal status, vehicles, good clothes, ornaments, good food, favours from the ruler, good house, great prosperity, marriage, high status in army, gains from all directions.

When adverse :

Opposition from near and dear ones, troubles from womenfolk, loss in professional status, separation from near and dear ones.

Venus as the lord of the 2nd house or 7th house causes illness during its dasha.

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