Result of Antardashas Or Sub-Periods of Vimshottari Dasha

The various planets run their Antardasha (AD) within the major period (MD) of each planet. Their good or bad results depend upon :

  1. Favourable or adverse disposition of the MD lord; and
  2. Favorable or adverse disposition of the AD lord.

The AD lord works within the overall limits imposed by the MD lord. The results promised by an MD lord manifest within an appropriate AD. Whether a particular AD would prove favourable or adverse depends upon the disposition of the AD lord. The following factors must be considered while deciding on the nature of a particular AD lord.

1. Favourable : An AD lord gives favourable results when it is :

(a) Exalted, in its own house or in its Moolatrikona sign.
(b) Placed in kendras or trikonas.
© Placed in the 11th house.
(d) Associated with or aspected by natural benefics.
(e) Associated with the 9th or the 10th lord or with a Yogakaraka planet.
(f) Placed in a kendra or trikona from the MD lord.

2. Adverse : This happens when the AD lord is :

(a) Weak, debilitated, combust or placed in its enemy’s house.
(b) Located in Trik houses.
© Influenced by natural malefics.
(d) Influenced by the Trik lords.
(e) Placed in an adverse house (6, 8 or 12) from the MD lord.
(f) Afflicted as above and, additionally, happens to be the lord of the 2nd or the 7th house. In this situation, it causes untimely death or physical illness. This is particularly so when the AD lord is in one of the Trik houses.

The results of the various antardashas in the major periods of planets are being briefly described below. These are primarily based on the views of Parashara.


Favourable :

Varied gains, prosperity, rise in professional status.

Adverse :

Excessive expenditure, bilious excess, misfortune to near and dear ones, untimely death.



Auspicious occasions (marriage, etc.), prosperity, favours from women, gain in wealth, accomplishment of desires through favours from the ruler, proliferation of such sources of wealth as houses, lands, cattle and vehicles, comforts from wife and children, good fortune, glory, acquisition of clothes and ornaments, and reconciliation with enemies.


Troubles to wife and children, involvement in controversies, opposition to the ruler, mental anguish, fear of drowning, imprisonment, distress from the sons, unclean food, urinary ailments, untimely demise.


Favourable :

Auspicious ceremonies, gains from houses, lands and agriculture, gain of wealth, favours from the ruler, command of an army, stability of mind, destruction of enemies, acquisition of reddish robes and precious stones, general well being of the siblings.

Adverse :

Distorted discrimination, mental anguish, failure in undertakings, loss of wealth acquired from the ruler, physical illness, loss of near and dear ones, accident-proneness, incarceration, and generally adverse results.



The first two months of the Rahu AD causes loss of wealth and general apprehensions. Thieves, serpents and accidents cause concern. Good results ensue after two months. Favours from the ruler and good fortune are other results.

Adverse :

Confinement, imprisonment, displacement, theft, accidents, fear from thieves, loss of lands, houses, etc., and danger of untimely death.


Favourable :

Auspicious ceremonies, king’s favours, gain of wealth, child birth, attainment of objects of desire, inclination towards charities and religious pursuits, devotion to God and guru, mental peace and virtuous undertakings

Adverse :

Physical illness to the native as well as to his wife and child, king’s wrath, mental anguish, loss of desired objects.


Favourable :

Loss of enemies, gain of wealth, auspicious ceremonies, royal favours.


Chronic and painful illness, imprisonment, loss of work and wealth, great apprehension, unexpected opposition, separation from parents.


Favourable :

Gain in status, royal favours conferring vehicles, ornaments and good clothes, good health to wife and children, indulgence in religious pursuits, auspicious happenings like marriage or child birth, performance of prescribed religious rituals, renown, honours and awards.


Physical illness, mental anguish, ill health to wife and child, aimless wandering.


Favourable :

Ketu produces favourable results in the MD of the Sun, if it is located in Upachaya (3, 6, 10 and 11) houses, associated with Yogakaraka planets and in the vargas of benefics. It leads to increase of friends, good fortune, mental satisfaction, rise in status and generally good results.


Physical illness, mental anguish, increased expenditure, king’s wrath, disease of the oral cavity and teeth, urinary ailments, displacement from home, loss of father, inauspicious news, untimely death.


Fulfilment of objects of desire, association with the good and the powerful, royal favours, increase in status, good food, acquisition of precious stones and general prosperity.

Adverse :

Wrath of the ruler, mental torment, loss of child, wife and wealth, displacement, deprivation of physical comforts, untimely death. The beginning of the dasha produces mediocre results, the middle of the dasha causes benefic results, while the concluding portion of the dasha yields very adverse results.


Favourable :

Acquisition of such objects of comfort as good clothes, horses, elephants and vehicles, devotion towards God and guru, recitation of sacred chants, rise in status, prosperity.

Adverse :

Loss of wealth, displacement from home, laziness and excessive somnolence, mental torment, illness to mother, incarceration and untimely death.


Favourable :
Great fortune, royal favours, acquisition of garments and ornaments, accomplishments through personal effort, gains from houses, lands and business.

Adverse :

Losses in business, physical illness, separation from dear ones, ruler’s wrath, poor digestion.



Success in all undertakings, favours from a ruler from a western country, acquisition of vehicles and garments, pilgrimage, religious undertakings.

Note : These results ensue when Rahu is in an Upachaya house from the lagna, or in a benefic house (kendra, trikona, 3rd or 11th house) from the MD lord.

Adverse :
Displacement from place of work, mental anguish, unfounded fears, dominance and torture by enemies, fear from poisonous animals (snakes, scorpions, etc.), loss of face, and wrath of the ruler.

Note :Rahu produces adverse results even when located in a kendra or a trikona.

Favourable :
Enhanced status, royal favours, gain of wealth, child birth, auspicious occasions, acquisition of lands and vehicles, fulfillment of desires, courageous deeds, general prosperity.

Adverse :
Inauspicious events, displacement, loss of child and preceptor, loss of lands, vehicles and houses, unclean food, wandering in foreign countries, untimely death.

Favourable :
Acquisition of wealth, gains from friends and children, royal favours, pilgrimage, favours from a Shudra king.

Adverse :

Troubles from enemies, bodily illness, unfounded fears, sad news.


Favourable :

Enhanced income and status, study of scriptures, increased knowledge and learning, contentment, gains in business, marriage and child birth, religious rituals, association with scholars, acquisition of precious stones.


Physical illness, losses in agriculture and business, confinement, troubles to wife and child.


Favourable :

Gain of wealth, religious pursuits, increased income from cattle.

Adverse :

Mental inconsistency, enmity with low people, sudden controversy, physical illness.


Favourable :

Rise in status, acquisition of garments, vehicles and ornaments through royal favours, benefits from cattle, residence in a new house, good food, good health, association with several charming women, birth of a daughter, general prosperity.

Adverse :

Foreign residence, painful illness, fear of theft, untimely death.


Favourable :

Acquisition of lost wealth and status, increased income, auspicious occasions at home, gains from lands, birth of a son, good health.

Adverse :

Fear from thief, serpent and the ruler, febrile illness, laziness, foreign residence.


Favourable :

Renown through the ruler’s grace, proliferation of wealth, acquisition of lost wealth and status, gains from horses, lands and cattle.


Injury from weapon or fire, fear from thief, serpent and the king, urinary ailment, mental and physical torment.



Honour by the ruler, gains from houses and lands, success in business, dips in holy rivers, foreign visits.


Fear of injury, thieves and serpents, loss of cattle, incarceration, loss of wealth and untimely death.


Favourable :

Enhanced status, royal favours, general prosperity, auspicious events, proliferation of lands and houses, good health, benefits from cattle,successful business, comforts from wife and children.

Adverse :

Fall in status, wrath of the ruler, loss of servants and siblings, fever, excess of Pitta or bile, untimely death.


Favourable :

Rise in profession, gain in status, good fortune, honour by the ruler, comforts to children and grandchildren.

Adverse :

Fear from a mlechchha (belonging to an alien land) king, imprisonment, physical illness, losses in travel, mental anguish, injuries from thieves and fire, loss of siblings, tragic events, sudden death.

Note : Saturn is bad when located in a kendra or trikona from the MD lord Mars. It is worse when in houses 8 or 12 from Mars.



Association with the virtuous, religious inclination, pious deeds, name and fame, pursuance of the prescribed path, good food, rise in status, acquisition of cattle, clothes and‘ vehicles, gains from agriculture, command of an army, increased learning, general prosperity.

Adverse :

Loss of face, heart disease, incarceration, increase of enemies, foreign residence, lack of discriminative ability, fear from thieves and fire, bad speech, opposition from dear ones.

Favourable :

Many comforts, increased income, service of the king, acquisition of horses, etc., gain in status, command of an army, religious pursuits, acquisition of garments and ornaments, etc.

Adverse :

Dental disease, fear of theft, physical illness, illness to wife and children, loss of face, and mental torment.


Favourable :

Rise in status, vehicles and physical comforts, gain in health and glory, excessive income, inclination towards music, song, dance and art, religious pursuits.

Adverse :
Physical illness, loss of wealth, fear from thieves and the ruler, injury from weapons, residence in a foreign land, discord at home and loss of cattle.


Acquisition of fame, vehicle and progeny, increased income and wealth, good health, stability of mind, royal favours, recognition in foreign countries.


Physical illness, mental anguish, losses at work, disease of the head, snakebite, febrile illness.


Favourable :
Rise in status, acquisition of wealth through the ruler, virtuous deeds, auspicious occasions at home, fulfillment of desires.

Adverse :

Illness to wife and child, loss of lands and cattle, fear from thieves, mental anguish, untimely death.


Favourable :

Royal honours, profits in business, westward journey, rise in professional status, courageous. pursuits, gain in wealth.

Note :Rahu is particularly favourable in Karka, Vrischika, Kanya and Dhanu.

Adverse :

Fear of injury, loss of near and dear ones, illness to wife and child, troubles from the ruler, loss of face.


Favourable :

Rise in status, stability of mind, loss of enemies, gain in wealth, travel and recognition in western countries, fulfillment of undertakings, return to one’s native country, birth of child, good food, gain of houses and lands, religious inclinations.

Adverse :

Loss of wealth, obstruction in undertakings, mental turmoil, heart disease, illness to father and mother, loss of elder brother, untimely death.



Service of the ruler, auspicious occasions in the house (marriage, etc.), founding of ponds and orchards, fulfillment of the objects of desire through a Shudra king, westward journey, return to one’s native land.

Adverse :

General laziness, discord with wife and children, fear of enemies and the ruler, loss of face, heart disease, roaming in foreign countries, unclean food, untimely death.

Favourable :

Enhancement of status, general well being, gains in business, higher education, good vehicle, marriage, comforts of the bed, good health, fulfillment of desires, recitation of sacred hymns, religious pursuits.

Adverse :
Loss of wealth and physical comforts, despising the gods and the Brahmins, resorting to falsehood, distorted wisdom, excessive expenditure, untimely demise.

Favourable :

Fulfilment of desires, benefits from undertakings, gains from cattle, favours from the ruler, acquisition of wealth and ornaments.

Aimless wandering, physical and mental illness, fear from thieves, serpents and injuries, separation from mother and father.


Acquisition of wealth through Brahmins, auspicious happenings, honour and favours from the ruler, acquisition of a new house, good friends, good food, marriage, inclination towards song and music, charitable disposition.


Physical illness, sudden discord, separation from parents, danger from poisons, serpents, thieves and the ruler, imprisonment, punishment, loss of wife, child and the employer, blood disorders, diabetes.


Gain of wealth, favours from the ruler, name and fame, lordship over a village or a town or a country, great glory, foreign travel, fulfillment of desires.

Adverse :

Wrath of the ruler, increase of enemies, fear from thieves, fire and the ruler, serious illness.


Favourable :
Status of a king, honour from the king, gain of wealth, good health, comforts through wife, sons and vehicles, increase of houses and lands, success in all undertakings.

Adverse :

Unfounded fears and phobias, wastage of money, losses in journey, proneness to physical injury, abdominal disease, untimely death.

Favourable :

Acquisition of lost money and status, good food, good garments, comforts at home, beneficial journey, command of an army, material benefits through siblings.

Adverse :

Discord with wife and sons, displacement from home, fear of thieves, serpents and injury, general debility and laziness.



Attainment of rulership, worship by the ruler, acquisition of wealth, vehicles and physical comforts, gain of glory, name and fame.


Association with the low, illogical arguments, separation from wife and children, death of the employer, physical illness.


Favourable :

Gain in professional status, acquisition of garments, ornaments and wealth, benefits from lands and houses, beneficial travel to the west, proliferation of cattle, benefits from the Shudras.


Loss of wealth and property, mental anguish, febrile illness, proneness to injury, inauspicious happenings, loss of cattle, obstruction to profession, physical disease, untimely death.



Good health, gain in status, several comforts, fulfilment through king’s favours, increased earnings in one’s own land, comforts to father and mother.

Note: Despite a favourable placement of Mercury, its AD in the MD of Jupiter Causes loss of money.

Adverse :

Losses in business, febrile illness, loss of wealth, foreign travel, losses in travel, eye disease, injury from weapon or fire, sudden discord, untimely death.



Gain of wealth, earning through unfair means, acquisition of vehicles, fulfillment of desires, favours from a Yavana ruler.

Note : Even a favourably disposed Ketu during its AD in the MD of Jupiter provides little monetary benefit, unclean food and food belonging to others. May be good for spiritual pursuits.


Loss of wealth through the wrath of the ruler, physical illness, loss of vigour, mental anguish and discord with brother.



Much wealth and prosperity, excessive physical comforts, plenty of clothes and vehicles, gainful journey to the east, good for parents, devotion to God and guru, charitable disposition, marriage, association with learned people, inclination toward song and music.


Discord with dear ones, harm to wife and child, intense fear, troubles through women, loss of money, discord with the father-in-law, untimely death.


Favourable :

Gain of wealth and status, acquisition of vehicles and other wordly comforts, success in all undertakings.

Adverse :

Headache, fever, sinful acts, separation from dear ones, physical illness.



Gain of glory, comforts from wife and children, good food (consisting of milk products), pious deeds, well being of progeny, good income, charitable disposition.


Loss of face, wealth and dear ones, foreign travel, troubles from thieves, loss of mother’s brother, illness to mother, illness to the native.


Favourable :

Gain in learning, marriage ceremony, gain of lands and houses, success in undertakings, good food, generally auspicious.

Adverse :

Loss of wealth, houses and lands, physical illness, eye disease, mental anguish.


Inclination toward Yoga, gain of wealth (during the first five months of the AD): leadership of a village or a country, favours from a Yavana king, distant travel, command, of an army, religious inclinations.


Fear from thieves, serpents and weapons, opposition to the king, physical exertion, discord with brothers, inauspicious happenings, bad dreams, bodily disease.


Favourable :

Rise in status, benefits to wife and progeny, availability of vehicles, command of a king’s army, acquisition of lordship over a village or a town.


Fear from the ruler, troubles arising from poisons and weapons, bleeding disorders, displacement from one’s country, mental anguish, untimely death.


Favourable :

Name and fame, learning, gain of wealth, mental and physical comforts, pilgrimage, bath in holy waters, gains in business, good food, charitable nature.


Physical illness, obstruction to undertakings, mental anguish, unfounded fears.

Note :The above adverse results occur during the middle and concluding portions of the AD of Mercury. During the early part of this AD, despite affliction, good results are experienced. .


Favourable :

Increased earnings, pilgrimages, religious inclinations, and association with the ruler.

Note :Good results only ensue if Ketu is associated with the lagna lord, or in houses 3 or 11 from the MD lord. In other situations generally held favourable (e.g., placement in a kendra or a trikona, or with a Yogakaraka planet), AD of Ketu only produces adverse results.

Adverse :

Displacement, penury, foreign travel, incarceration, unclean food, febrile illness, untimely death.


Favourable :

Accomplishment of desires, gain of wealth, wife and progeny, physical comforts, good health, auspicious ceremonies, name and fame, acquisition of imported garments, favours from the ruler, composing of poetry, study of- sacred scriptures.

Adverse :

Loss of home, wife and friends, eye disease, febrile illness, toothache, heart disease, rectal disease, fear of drowning, fall from a tree, extreme mental anguish.


Favourable : -

Favours from the employer, increased wealth, acquisition of vehicles, cows and comforts.


Heart disease, mental distress, loss of residential place, separation from dear ones, febrile illness.


Favourable :

Favours from the ruler, acquisition of vehicles, garments and ornaments, prosperity, comforts to mother, father and wife.

Adverse :

King’s wrath, loss of wealth, separation from parents, illness to children, untimely food, necessity to take medicinal remedies, excessive somnolence, increase of opponents.


Favourable :

Gain of wealth, command of an army, favours from the ruler, benefits from lands and cattle, building of a new house, benefits from siblings.

Adverse :

Danger from thieves, serpents, accidents and weapons, joint pains, troubles to father and brother, loss of cattle, unclean food, untimely death.


Favourable :

Gain of wealth, lands and houses, pilgrimage, auspicious celebrations, increased glory, favours from the ruler, physical comforts.

Note : Rahu here is particularly beneficial if located in Mesha, Vrisha, Karka, Simha, Kanya or Meena.

Adverse :

Discord with others, mental torment, physical illness, discord with children, foreign residence, loss of houses and lands.


Favourable :

Accomplishment of all undertakings, honour from the ruler, acquisition of wealth and jewellery, devotion toward God and guru, association with the learned, benefits to wife and son, study of scriptures, religious inclination, great renown and glory.


Loss of near and dear ones, loss of wealth, foreign travel, obstacles to profession, unclean food, physical and mental ailments, imprisonment, death of a near relative.


Favourable :
Acquisition of precious stones, learning, high education, name and fame, honours from the ruler, comforts to wife, son, mother and father.

Adverse :
Loss of cattle and wealth, opposition from near and dear ones, abdominal pain, mental anguish, death of a near relative.

Physical comforts, good health and wealth, gainful journey, acquisition of learning, spread of fame; favours from the ruler.

Adverse :
Fall off a vehicle, trouble from thieves and the king, sinful acts, scorpion stings, discord with low people, illness and misery.

Favourable :

Virtuous and religious pursuits, help from friends and the employer, gain of wealth, favours from the ruler, sudden and unexpected gains, profit in business, charitable inclination.

Heart disease, loss of face, febrile illness, separation from dear ones, mental torment, untimely death.



King’s grace, gain of lands, increase in wealth, good food and clothes.


Troubles from thieves, fire, weapons and excess of Pitta, headache, mental torment, separation from a dear friend, untimely death.


Favourable :
Comforts from wife and children, acquisition of a new home, good food, inclination toward song and music, indulgence in sacred learning, southward journey, acquisition of clothes in a distant land, gain of pearls, pilgrimage, stability of mind, earnings from a foreign land.

Adverse :
Physical and mental torment, humiliation through association with women, fear from thieves, fire and the king, loss of wealth.

Favourable :
Peace at home, gain of wealth, recovery of lost wealth and status, acquisition of lands, houses and vehicles, comforts to wife and children, good health, name and fame.

Physical and mental illness, fall in status, loss of wealth, joint pains, fevers, injuries, accidents, king’s displeasure, displacement from home, untimely death.

Favourable :
Respect from others, excessive gain in wealth, bath in sacred waters, religious rituals.

Note :Rahu is particularly favourable in Vrisha, Karka, Kanya and Kumbha.

Adverse :

Loss of wealth, displacement from home, physical illness, mental anguish, imprisonment, heart disease, untimely death.



Gain of wealth, association with the ruler, marriage, good food, listening to sacred texts, devotion to gods and guru, charitable disposition.


Discord with the ruler, physical hurt from thieves, etc., death of parents, loss of wealth, punishment by the ruler, discord with wife and children, ill health and disease.


Favourable :

Rise in status, great enthusiasm, good house, pilgrimages


Intense trouble, loss of discriminative faculty, troubles to wife and child, fall in professional status, foreign travel, bad dreams, untimely death.


Favourable :

Gain of wealth and cattle, king’s favours, good for progeny, acquisition of lands, villages, houses, etc.

Note : Favourable disposition of Ketu notwithstanding, Ketu AD in its own MD causes some mental tension.

Adverse :

Heart disease, humiliation, loss of wealth and cattle, fickleness of mind, ill health and loss of dear ones.


Favourable :

King’s favours, sudden gain in wealth, recovery of lost wealth and status, acquisition of vehicles, baths in holy waters, oceans, etc., lordship over lands and villages, good health, varied comforts.

Adverse :

Sudden quarrels, loss of wealth and cattle, head and eye disease, heart ailment, humiliation, physical and mental torment.


Gain of wealth, glory through the king, auspicious happenings, accomplishment of desired objects, good health, mental stability, lordship over small villages.


Fear from the ruler, loss of parents, foreign travel, fear of snakes and thieves, accidental injury, punishment from the ruler, loss of wealth, untimely death.



Favours from the king, great enthusiasm, gain of lands and houses, gains from profession, acquisition of vehicles, inclination towards virtuous deeds, visit by a dear friend, accomplishment of one’s undertakings, foreign travel, good health.


Mental anguish, obstruction in undertakings, separation from parents, loss of cattle, unfounded apprehensions, untimely death.


Favourable :

Benefits from village, lands and cattle, rise in status through the king.

Adverse :

Fear of untimely death, misery in a foreign country, troubles from thieves and the ruler, urinary ailment, diabetes, fear of febrile illness and poisoning.

Favourable :

Sudden excessive wealth gain, gains from a mlechchha ruler, acquisition of lands, houses and villages.

Adverse :

Excessive urination, physical debility, fever with chills and rigors, poisoning, sudden calamities.



Gain of wealth, enhanced enthusiasm, prosperity, grand celebration, foreign visits, help to near and dear ones.

Adverse :

Fear from thieves, serpents and accidental injuries, separation from wife and children, displacement, untimely death.


Favourable :

Accomplishment of all undertakings, victory in war, many comforts.

Adverse :

Physical and mental torment, loss of wealth and cattle, unfounded fears, displacement from home, fear of theft in journey, laziness, humiliation, loss of parents, untimely death.



Gain in status, listening to holy scriptures, undertaking charities, religious pursuits, acquisition of lands and progeny, desirable association, increased fortune, good health, good food, gains in business, pilgrimages.


Residence in others houses, loss of wealth, vehicles and garments, illness to wife and child, fear from the king, untimely death.


Favourable :

Wealth gain through the help of Brahmins, son’s marriage, favours from the king, building a new house, good and sweet food, indulgence in charities and religious pursuits, acquisition of cattle, vehicles and garments, westward journey, great enthusiasm.

Adverse :

Fear from thieves and injuries, loss of dear ones, illness to wife and child, death.


Favourable :

Gain of wealth, acquisition of wife, lordship and property, visit by a dear friend, comforts to mother, father and brother.


Febrile illness, mental anguish, discord with dear ones, trouble to father, injuries, snake bites, physical illness.


Favourable :

Varied gains, renown and glory, bath in sacred rivers, devotion to gods and Brahmins, indulgence in song and music, increase of cattle, lordship over village or town.


Loss of wealth, phobias, mental torment, foreign travel, discord in place of work, separation from dear ones.


Favourable :

Prosperity through the king, profits from vehicles, lands and precious stones.

Adverse :

Trouble to parents, febrile illness, excessive expenditure, loss in business.

Favourable :

Great physical comforts, gain of wealth, fulfillment of under-takings, loss of enemies, great enthusiasm.

Adverse :
Obstacles to one’s pursuits, mental anguish, ill health to parents, excessive laziness.

Favourable :
Recovery of lost status, gain of wealth, honour from the ruler, indulgence in the study of sacred texts, son’s marriage, good for parents and siblings.

Adverse :
Troubles from thieves and the ruler, physical illness, mental torment, displacement leading to foreign residence.

Association with friends and relatives, honour from the ruler, daughter’s birth, pilgrimage, religious inclination, rise in professional status.
Excessive expenditure, bodily disease, illness to wife and child, aimless wandering, loss of cattle.

Favourable :
King’s favours, good fortune, birth of a son, earnings through legitimate means, listening to sacred scriptures, artistic pursuits, good and sweet food.


Loss of cattle, residence in other’s house, mental torment, losses in undertakings, physical disease.



Good food, excessive profit in business, increase of cattle, gain in wealth, victory in war.

Adverse :

Troubles from thieves, serpents and injury, loss of discriminative ability, headache, mental distress, quarrelsome nature, loss of wealth, opposition from wife and child, obstacle to profession, and physical disease.

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