Features of Husband in Female Horoscope in Vedic Astrology

  • When the 7th bhava is without strength, unoccupied and aspected not by a benefic but by a malefic planet, the female born will have a contemptible wretch for her husband; when Mercury is in the 7th bhava, the husband will be impotent; if Saturn be associated with Mercury in the same bhava, the woman will be barren or loathed (feel intense dislike or disgust for) by her husband; when a moveable sign represents the 7th bhava, he will always be away from home.
  • When the Sun occupies its own Navamsa in the 7th bhava, the female born will have a husband gentle and diverting by his excessive playfulness. When the Moon occupies such a position, she will be happy; when Mars is in the same position. the husband will be devoted to his wife though playing the gallant (exceptionally polite and attentive to women) towards other women; if the planet occupying its own Navamsa in the 7th bhava be Mercury, the husband will be learned; if Jupiter be in that bhava, the female concerned will get a spouse who will have all his senses under control; if it be Venus, the husband will be handsome and voluptuous; lastly, if it be Saturn, he will be an old stupid person.
  • When a female is born in a Navamsa belonging to the Rasi of the 7th bhava, her husband will be softbodied, possessed of excellent qualities, and full of assurance. When Saturn in the 7th bhava occupies his own Amsa or Rasi, the female concerned will be wedded to an old and exceedingly dull husband.
  • A female will have a decrepit (worn out or ruined because of age or neglect) husband when the lord of the 9th bhava and Jupiter happen to occupy a Dustthana at her birth; he will be long lived and wealthy if the two planets occupy a Trikona or a Kendra bhava. If they be associated with the lord of the 4th bhava or Mercury, the husband will be a person of learning; if they be associated with Mars or Saturn, he will be an agriculturist; if with Rahu or Ketu, a villain; if with the lord of the 6th bhava, he will become a robber chieftain (leader of group).
  • The husband will be fair-limbed, lustful and have fiery eyes when the Sun occupies the 7th bhava in a female’s horoscope; if the Moon be in that bhava the husband of the female concerned will be handsome, worthy, spare, voluptuous and troubled with ailments; if Mars be in the 7th bhava, she will have for her spouse, a man humble in appearance, delighting in cruelty, indolent, with a ready tongue and of a ruddy hue; if Mercury occupy the bhava in question, the husband will be a man of taste, amply endowed with learning, wealth and excellent qualities.
  • If the planet occupying the 7th bhava be Jupiter, the husband of the female concerned will be a person blessed with long life, with wealth and power equal to a king’s, and lustful in his youth; if Venus, he will be lovely, ever playful and diverting and gifted with the highest poetical faculty; if Saturn, he will be old, infirm and wicked; and lastly if Rahu or Ketu be in the 7th bhava, the husband of the female concerned will be a low, evil-minded wretch or some such person.

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