Trimsamsa in Female Horoscope in Vedic Astrology

  • When the Lagna or the Moon, whichever of them is stronger, is in a Rasi belonging to Mars, the female born in a Trimsamsa of Mars will be ill behaved; she will be a menial or slave if born in a Trimsamsa of Saturn; worthy and virtuous if in that of Jupiter; depraved if born in that of Mercury; addicted to a paramour if the Trimsamsa of birth be that of Venus.
  • In a Lagna owned by Venus, a female born in a Trimsamsa of Mars will be vicious and quarrelsome; she will be chaste and a mother of many children if born in a Trimsamsa of Jupiter; remarried if in that of Saturn; she will be fond of all the arts, music — vocal and instrumental — if born in a Trimsamsa of Mercury; if the Trimsamsa of her birth he owned by Venus, she will be fond of wise men, a favorite of her husband, and liked by people.
  • When the Lagna is a sign owned by Mercury, the female born in a Trimsamsa of Mars will have sons; if born in a Trimsamsa of Saturn, she will be a widow, have her children still born, or of the form of a eunuch; if in a Trimsamsa of Jupiter, she would be chaste and devoted to her husband; if in that of Mercury, she would be virile, famous and handsome; if the Trimsamsa of birth be that of Venus, she will be conspicuous for her elegant attire, ornaments, cattle and wealth.
  • When the Lagna is a Sign owned by the Moon, and the Trimsamsa of birth is owned by Mars, the female born will be endowed with physical strength; and if the Moon be aspected by malefie planets, she will take delight in ministering to the amusements of her paramours; if the Trimsamsa bethat of Saturn, she will become a widow; if the same belong to Jupiter, she. will be shortlived and will have few children; if of Mercury, she will be skilled in the arts; if the Trimsamsa of birth be that of Venus, she will be lustful.
  • When the Lagna or the Moon happens to be in a sign owned by the Sun, and the Trimsamsa of birth that of Mars, the female born will have a masculine disposition. If the Trimsamsa belong to Saturn, she will be unchaste and unhappy; if to Jupiter, she will be the beloved of a royal husband and endowed with good qualities; if the same belong to Mercury, she would be masculine in her ways and vicious; and lastly if born in a Trimsamsa of Venus, she will be attached to an unworthy husband and will suffer from diseases.
  • When the rising sign is owned by Jupiter, the female born in the Trimsamsa of Mars will be renowned and have a following; she Will be indigent if born in the Trimsamsa of Saturn; if the Trimsamsa of birth be Jupiter’s, she will have an abundance of wealth, clothing and ornaments; if she be born in that of Mercury, she will be virtuous and highly respected; if in that of Venus, she will possess children, good clothing and ornaments.
  • When the rising sign belongs to Saturn and is strong, the female born in a Trimsamsa of Mars will be distressed; if her birth be in a Trimsamsa of Saturn, she will be disliked by her husband; if in that of Jupiter, she will strictly adhere to the customs or usage of her family; if in Mercury’s, she will know all things but unchaste; if in a Trimsamsa of Venus, she will be barren and profligate; the effects due to Trimsamsa should be announced after correctly weighing the influence of the Lagna and the Moon.
  • When malefic planets occupy the 7th bhava, the female born will become a widow; if the planets in the 7th bhava be of a mixed sort, she will remarry; if there be in the 7th bhava a weak malefic planet aspected by a benefic one, the female horn will be put away by her husband; if Venus and Mars occupy each other’s Navamsa, the woman will be addicted to other men; if these two planets be associated with the Moon in the 7th bhava, she will associate with other men at the instance of her own husband.
  • A female is styled wanton when she forsakes her husband and resorts to another of her caste from lust. A woman is said to be remarried when, her organ of generation being unbroken, she is taken (anew) as a wife another time with the proper matrimonial rites.
  • When a sign of Saturn or Mars is the Lagna and the Moon or Venus (according as the birth is by night or day) aspected by a malefic planet occupies it, the female born in the yoga will lead an unchaste life with the mother; when the setting Navamsa belongs to Mars and is aspected by Saturn, she will have a diseased womb; If the Navamsa under reference belongs to a benefic planet, she will have handsome hips and be much liked by her husband.
  • Mother is indicated by Venus in day-births and by the Moon in night-births. Lagna must be one of Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn and Aquarius; Venus or the Moon as the case may be shouid occupy the Lagna and be aspetted by a malefic planet. The female owning this nativity becomes immoral along with the mother. If a Nammsa of Mars be setting and be aspected by Saturn, she sufiers from diseased organs. 1f the Descendant be in a subhagrahanavamsa or be occupied by benefics. or the ruler is aspected by benelies or in Subhamsa, she is loved by her husband.
  • When a weak malefic planet occupies the 7th and is aspected by a benefic one, the female concerned will be put away by her husband; if the malefic planet in the 7th bhava be depressed or in an inimical house, she will be at disagreement with her husband.
  • If the Sun occupying the 7th bhava be aspected by inimical planets, the female born will be cast away; if Mars occupy a similar position, she will become a widow or her husband and herself will become mutually embittered (embitter: to make someone bitter, resentful, or angry); when good and bad planets occupy the 7th bhava, the female concerned will remarry; when Saturn in the 7th bhava is inspected by an inimical planet, she will attain to a good old age and yet have her husband alive.
  • When a malefic sign representing the 7th bhava is occupied by Saturn, the female will become afflicted with widowhood. If Venus and Mars occupy each other’s Rasi or Amsa, she will be a coqueue and addicted to a paramour (a lover, especially the illicit partner of a married person). If the Moon be in the 7th bhava, she will lead a depraved (morally corrupt) life along with her husband. If the Moon and Venus occupy the lst bhava identical with a sign owned by Saturn or Mars and if a malefic planet is in the 5th bhava, the female concerned will be barren.
  • When Mars occupies a Navamsa belonging to the Rasi of the 7th bhava and is aspected by Saturn, the female born will have the bad luck to be disliked by the husband. But when Mars is occupying a Navamsa of Venus in the Rasi representing the 7th bhava and is aspected by a benefic planet, she will he the favorite of her husband.
  • If the Moon and Venus be in a sign of Mars identical with the Lagna, the female horn will have an aversion (strong dislike) to her husband; if the Moon and Mercury be in the position described above, she will be skilled in the discussion of the highest truths; if Mars and Mercury be in the Lagna adverted to, she will be voluptuous (sexually attractive); if the Moon, Mercury and Venus combine in the Lagna under reference, she will possess every comfort; if Jupiter be in the Lagna aforesaid, she will bear good sons, be intelligent and have ornaments.
  • If the benefic planets be in their exaltation, but the 8th bhava containing a malefic planet be represented by a malefic sign and aspected by a malefic planet at the same time, the female born in the yoga will be afflicted with widowhood; when the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the owner of the 8th bhava is also malefic, the woman concerned will without doubt becomes widow; if several benefic planets be in the 8th bhava, the female will die prior to her husband in the prime of her life.
  • When benefic planets occupy the 9th bhava and there is a malefic planet in the 7th or the 8th, the female born will live long with her husband, affluence, a numerous progeny and get all comfort and happiness; if malefic planets be in the 4th bhava, the woman concerned will have many children; if Dhanus or Kataka be the Lagna in the latter case, she will become poor and distressed by beating many children to her husband.
  • The effect of malefics occupying the 4th house is to make the female unchasie.
  • When Vrishahha, Simha, Vrischika or Kanya is the Lagna and the Moon is in the 5th bhava, the female born will have few sons; if malefic planets occupy the 9th place from the 8th bhava or the 8th from the Lagna, she will be afflicted with poverty and sorrow; when the above places are occupied by benefic as well as malefic planets, she will have good and evil for her lot; if those places be occupied exclusively by benefic planets, she will be blessed with prosperity and good fortune. When the lord of the 5th bhava is in the 6th and the lord of the latter is in the Lagna, her death will be caused by a sharp weapon.
  • If all the malelic planets be in the 7th bhava from the Lagna, the female born will become a widow; if the planets in the 7th bhava be mixed, the female concerned will remarry; if malefic planets occupying the 7th bhava be weak, she would be repudiated (refuse to accept; reject) by her husband.
  • When the Moon occupies the 7th bhava from the lagna in conjunction with Venus and Mars, the female born will associate with another man at the instance of her husband. The same effetct follows when the Moon occupies in the 7th bhavn a Navamsa owned by Saturn or Mars.
  • When planets in the Rasis or Amsas of Saturn and Mars are aspected by maleiics and are associated with Venus (if the birth he in the day time) or the Moon (if the birth be in the night), the female born will abandon the traditional virtue of her caste, taking to harlotry (prostitution) in company with her mother.
  • Venus and the Moon resepct. play the role of mother during the day and night.
  • When a Navamsa of Mars occupying the 7th place from the Lagna is aspected by the Sun and Mercury, the female born will have a diseased womb; but when the Navamsa under reference belongs to a benefic planet, the female concerned will be much liked by her husband and blessed with children; else she will become an object of aversion to her husband.
    If the malefic planets ocupying the 7th bhava be two, the female born will be lustfully inclined and become a widow; if they be three, she will be unchaste and ultimately do away with her husband; when a benefic planet is in the 7th bhava, the female concerned will become the favourite wife of a king’s minister; when there are three such planets in that bhava, she will become the queen of a ruler of the earth.
  • When Venus and Saturn occupy each other’s Navamaa or aspect mutually, the female born in the 8th rising Navamsa of Kumbha will be afflicted with too much lust; she will become a widow when a malefic planet occupies the 7th place from the Moon; if the planet in the 7th bahava from the Moon be auspicious, the yoga will secure to her sovereign authority (a royal domain). It will be seen that the 8th Navamsa of Kumbha is Vrishbha Navamsa and is owned by Venue.
  • When the rising sign at the birth of a female is occupied by the Moon and Venus, she will be short-tempered and live in ease and comfort. In every case, where the Lagna is occupied by the Moon, the female born generally lives in ease with no craving for carnal enjoyment (sexual pleasure) and is amiable (having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner).
  • If a sign owned by Venus or the Moon be the Lagna at the birth of a female, she will be amiable for virtues and good looks. If the Lagna belong to Jupiter or Mercury, she will be skilled in fine arts. If Jupiter, Mercury and Venus occupy the Lagna, the female born will be renowned for the possession of every feminine excellence.
  • When Jupiter occupies the 5th, the 9th or a Kendra bhava or is in exaltation at the birth of a female, she will be well-behaved, chaste, bearing good sons, happy and possessed of excellences; she will verily bring credit to her own and her husband’s families.
  • If the Lsgna at the time of birth of a female be aspected by malefic planets, she will be skilled in the arts, pure-minded, modest at all times, handsome, bearing worthy sons and have much wealth and enjoyment; she will be highly in favor with her husband and become the recipient of a thousand blessings.
  • When the Moon occupies Cancer identical with the rising sign and when Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and the Moon are strong, the female born will be profoundly learned in the several sciences and arts, and renowned for her spiritual influence. When a malefic planet is in the 7th bhava, the female concerned will devote herself to asceticism (severe self-discipline and avoiding of all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons) corresponding to the planets if any in the 9th bhava.
  • When a malefic planet is in the 7th bhava, the woman concerned will without doubt devote herself to the asceticism answering to the planet in the 9th hhava. The yogas mentioned above become applicable in connection with the time of marriage, the time of selecting a girl, the time of her gift and the time when a query is made regarding her.
  • Any planet – whether benefic or malefic — will not bring about widowhood but will make the woman born more devoted to her husband. She will sacrifice herself for him according to the philosophical temperament denoted by the planet in the 9th house.
  • An important principle is enunciated here. There must a planet in the 9th – positive Trikona of the zodiac – to give good results at the time of marriage, betrothal (formal engagement to be married; engagement). etc. or at the time of talk regarding marriage.
  • The foregoing inquiry in regard to females is applicable, as is said by it wise sage, to the time of their birth, the time of their marriage, the time of query and the time of going in quest of them and may lead also to the revelation of the character of their husbands.
  • When the 8th bhava is occupied by a malefic planet, the woman concerned becomes a widow and the widowhood will occur at the age (period after marriage) signified by the ruler of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 8th house; when benefic planets occupy the 2nd house at the same time, the woman herself will die before her husband and she will have few children when the Moon is in Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus or Leo. The period given here for each planet in the Naisargik-ayurdaya system is the period meant here when widowhood occurs. If born with any one of the signs Virgo, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio as the Lagna and a maiefic planet in the 8th bhnva and a benefic planet in the 2nd bhava, she dies without undergoing widowhood and without issue.
  • Astroloacrs declare that (1) eldest brother, (2) mother (3) father, and (4) youngest brother respectively of a person will die (soon after the marriage) if his wife be born under the stars (1) Jyestha (2) Aslesha (3) Moola and (4) Visakha. Females born under the asterisms Chitra, Ardra, Aslesha, Iveshta, Satabhishak, Moola, Krittika and Pushya will be barren, will become widows, mothers of children that are dead, cast away by their husbands or will be without wealth.
  • If the lords of (1) the lagna (2) the 9th house and (3) the sign occupied by the Moon be associated with benefics and are posited in good houses and be of brilliant rays (be not he eclipsed), the woman concerned will be held in high esteem by her relations. She will do many good deeds, will he very handsome and be prosperous. She will please her husband, bear good sons and be virtuous in her disposition, the period of this happy life with her husband depending on the strength derived by the 8th house from benefics (either by association or aspect).
  • When the 8th bhava has strength of a mixed character owing to its being occupied or aspected by auspicious as well as inauspicious planets, the pair will die at one and the same time, say the astrologers unanimously. When the lords of the 7th bhava and the Lagna are together in one bhava or when the lord of the 7th bhava is in the Lagna and the lord of the latter occupies the 7th hhava in conjunction with an auspicious planet, the husband and the wife will die simultaneously.
  • When auspicious planets occupy the 2td bhava, say the revered seniors, the female concerned will have her death at the time of the ripening of their Dasas and during the Antardasa and Apahara of the planet occupying the 8th bhava, its lord or the lord of the Navamsa wherein is the lord of the 8th bhava (whichever of them may have predominant strength).
  • When the lord of the 3rd bhava happens to be a male planet of predominant strength occupying a male Sign identical witn the 2nd, a Kendra or a Kona bhava and is aspected by or in conjunction with a male planet, the girl born will have a brother destined to enjoy much wealth and happiness.
  • The girl at whose birth the lords til the 3rd and the llth bahvas from the Lagna occupy the 5th bhava will have a brother endowed with the spirit, the virtues and the majestic mien of a ruler of men.

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