Yogas and Nakshatras

There are 27 Yogas mentioned for the 27 Nakshatras. There are:

l. Vishkambha Pushyami
2. Preethi Aslesha
3. Aayttshman Makha
4. Sowbhagya Pubba
5. Shobhana Uttara
6. Athiganda Hasta
7. Sukarma Chittra
8. Dhriti Swati
9. Shoola Vishakha
10. Ganda Anuradha
11. Vriddhi Jyesta
12. Dhruva Moola
13. Vyaghata Peorvashada
14. i-larshana Uttarashada
15. Vajra Shravana
16. Siddhi Dhanista
17. Vyathipatha Shathabhisha
18. Variyan Poorvabhadra
19. Parigha Uttarabhadra

20. Shiva Revathi
21. Siddha Aswini
22. Sadhya Bharani
23. Shubha Krittika
24. Shukla Rohini
25. Brahma Mrigashira
26. Indra An’dra
27. Vaidhriti Punarvasu

To find out the Yoga point one should add 3—3-20 to the sum total of the longitude of the Sun and the Moon. Where 3 stands for the 3 Rasis, 3-20 stands for 3 degrees 20 minutes. This is
done because the first Yoga commences with the Nakshatra Pushyami located in the fourth Rasi at 3° 20’.

In the examples given above,
Sun’s position is 23-14
Moon‘s position is 1-10-34
+ 3-3-20
Total 6-17-08

Hence the birth Yoga point will be 17° 3’ ’lhula. This coincides with the position of the Nakshatra Swati, whose ududasa lord is Rahu, who therefore becomes the Birth Yogi. The yoga which
corresponds to the Nakshatra Swati is Dhriti. Every yoga is associated with certain personality traits which are likely to be found in the individual born under that particular yoga. They are
as follows:

1. Vishkambha : He will win over others.

‘ He is blessed with cattle and wealth.
2. Prithi : He is loved by all, attracted by women.
3. Ayushman : Has good longevity and health.

4. Sowbhagyam : Blessed with happiness and comforts.

5. Shobhanam : Lascivious, sex—minded.

6. Athigandam : Murderer or having that temperament.
Meets obstacles and accidents in life.

7. Sukarman : Does good and noble acts, wealthy.

8. Dhriti : lndulging in others’ money and women.

9. Shoolam : Angry and quarrelsome.

10. Gandam : Has a bad character.

11. Vriddhi : Improving day by day and intelligent.

12. Dhruvam : Fixity of mind and wealthy.

13. Vyaghatham : Cruel-minded person.

14. Harshanam : Always merry and intelligent.

15. Vajram : Wealthy and lascivious.

16. Siddhi : Will have several attainments and will
protect others.

17. Vyathipatham : Unreliable.

18. Variyan : Bad character and lascivious.

1‘). Parigha : Wealthy and quarrelsome.

20. Shivam : Revered by kings, well versed in
sastras. cool and calm. and wealthy.

21. Siddham : Good-natured. interested in religi0us

22. Sadhyam : Good-mannered. –

23. Shubham : Wealthy. lustrous, fair and unhealthy.

24. Shubram : Wavering mind, good mannered,
talkative and impulsive.

25. Brahma : Highly secretive, having high
aspirations. Has capacity lo judge

26. Maltendram : Wealthy, learned and helpful.

27. Vaidhriti : Cunning, critical. wealthy and strong.

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