- The native in whose borosoope there is Mars in the Ascendant, Jupiter or Venus in the 7th House keeps the mark of wound in his head.
- The native in whose horoscope there are Mars, Venus or the Moon in the Ascendant acquires some kind of mark on his forhead in his 2nd or 6th year.
- It is to be predicted that the native in whose horoscope there is Venus in the Ascendant, Rahu in the 8th House will have mark on his forehead and left ear.
- If there is Rahu in the 7th House, Jupiter in the Ascendant and Venus in conjunction with malefic planets in the 8th House, then according to the sages there is some mark on lhe left arm of the native.
- If there is Mars in 3/6/11 Houses or Venus in conjunction with Mars in the 12th House, the Pandits (learned astrologers) should take it that there is the mark of wound in the native' s left arm.
- If there is Saturn in the Trikona or Trinal Houses (5th and 9th Houses and he is aspected by Venus and Mars, it should be predicted that the native has a mole on his reproductive organ or anus.
- If there is Venus in the 5th 6r the 9th House, Mercury in the 8th House and Jupiter in the 4th House or in the Ascendant House, it should be stated that there is a mark on the abdomen of the native.
- If Venus occupies the 2nd House, the Sun is in the 8th or the Ascendant House and Saturn and Mars are situated in the 3rd House, it should be stated that the native has a mark on his back.
- If there are Rahu and Venus in the 4th House and the Ascendant is occupied by Saturn or Mars, it should be predicted that the native has a mark in the palm of his foot or in the left foot.
- If there is Jupiter in the 12th House, the Moon in the 9th House and Mercury in 3, 6 or 11 House, the native has a circular mark in his anus.
- The younger brother of the native in whose horoscope the Sun is posited in the 9th House in the Leo sign is certainly swallowed by early death, and the mother of the native in whose horoscope there is Saturn in the 2nd House and weakened Jupiter is situated in the Ascendant is also subjeted to early death.
- The native in whose horoscope there is Jupiter in conjunction with Mars and Saturn in the Second House and there is Rahu in the Third House does not get the happiness of having a younger brother.
- The younger brother of the native in whose horoscope there is the situation of Mars in the 6th House, of Saturn in conjunction with Rahu in the 8th House, is swallowed by death just after his birth.