Subha Kartari Yoga and Paapa Kartari Yoga in Vedic Astrology

These 2 types of yogas are generally present in most of the horoscopes and is useful in ascertaining the strenth of the concerned houses.

If lagna has benefics or has “subha kartari” – benefics in 12th and 2nd – then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga has eloquence, good looks and character.

If lagna has malefics or has “paapa kartari” – malefics in 12th and 2nd – then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga has many desires. He is sinful and enjoys the wealth of others.

Kartari literally means “scissors”. The 12th and 2nd houses from a house cast kartari on it. If the 2nd and 12th from a house have benefics, it is said to have a subha (benefic) kartari. Malefics in the same places cause paapa (malefic) kartari. Subha kartari on any house does good to the matters of that house and paapa kartari does harm. Subha kartari and paapa kartari are also known as “subha kartari yoga” and “paapa kartari yoga” and they can be seen with reference to any house or planet.

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