Sanyas Yoga or Pravrajya Yoga in Vedic Astrology

The following different combinations in a horoscope amounts to inclination to spirituality or godly pursuits – popular known as Sanyas yoga or Pravrajya yoga in vedic astrology.

  • If at a birth, 4 or 5 planets possessed of strength occupy together a Kendra or a Trikona, the person born will attain the stage of life indicated by the strongest of the planets. According as the Sun, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Mars, the Moon or Mercury possesses greatest strength will the person concerned become a Vanapristtha, a Vivasa, Bhikshu, Charaka, Sakya, Guru or Jeevaka .
  • Vanapristtha is a religious man engaged in the practice of rigorous and devout penance. A Vivasa is a naked ascetic dwelling in hills and forests. A Bhikshu is an illustrious ascetic with a single staff for his symbol engaged ever and anon in the contemplation of the truths of the sacred scriptures. A Charaka is a religious mendicant wandering over many countries. A Sakya is an ill-behaved ascetic of the Buddhist class. A Guru is a celebrated teacher endowed with royal splendour. A Jeevaka is a garrulous and gluttonous mendicant.
  • If there be three strong planets in the 10th bhava occupying their own, exaltation or other benefic Vargas and if the lord of the 10th bhava also predominant in strength, the person born will become an ascetic or a person of similar habits. But if the lord of the 10th bhava be without strength and occupy the 7th place from the Lagna, the person concerned will be ill-behaved. If the lords of the 2nd and the 7th bhavas he amidst the three planets causing the ascetic yoga, the person will be lustfully inclined.
  • If the planets producing an ascetic yoga be associated with the Sun, Saturn and Mars, a person takes to the ascetic order because of his being without wealth, sons or wife. If the Sun occupying a beneiic amsa should aspect the planet causing the ascetic yoga and occupying its highest exaltation point, the person concerned will become a lordly ascetic in his youth or even at a much earlier age.
  • When the lord of the lst bhava is weak and aspected by Venus and the Moon, the person born will be without wealth; and he will become a mendicant if a planet in an exaltation sign or amsa should aspect the Moon. If the lord of the Lagna be aspected by several planets conioined in one Sign, the person born will consecrate himself for asceticism. The effect of each yoga will take place in the bhukti oi the Karaka of the bhava that produces the yoga.
  • If Saturn or the lord of the Lagna aspect the lord of the sign occupied by the Moon, the person born will betake himself to a religious order or mendicancy. If the Moon occupy a Drekkana owned by Saturn in a Rasi occupied by Mars and also be aspected by Saturn, the person concerned will become an ascetic.
  • Whenever the Lagna is owned by Jupiter, Mars and Saturn and has on it the aspect of the last mentioned planet, and Jupiter is in the 9th bhava from the Lagna, even a Rajayoga that may possibly exist under these conditions will have the effect of making the person concerned a Tirthha or a holy man.
  • When the Moon occupying the 9th bhava is not aspected by any planet, the person born even when possessed of Rajayoga, beeomes an ascetic prior to becoming a lordly person.
  • When Jupiter, the Moon and the Lagna are aspected by Saturn, and Jupiter occupies the 9th bhava, the person born in the Rajayoga will become a holy illustrious founder of a system of philosophy. When Saturn occupies the 9th bhava and is not aspected by any planet, the person possessed of Rajayoga will betake himself to the holy order beforel becoming a lord of men.
  • Each of the following groups of planets when powerful and occupying an even sign may produce Thapasa devout hermit or an ascetic: (1) Venus, the Sun, Mars and Saturn(2) Jupiter, Mars the Sun and Saturn; (3) Mars, the Moon. Jupiter and Saturn.
  • When the lord of the 10th bhava conjointly occupies a Kendra or Trikona position with four other planets, the person born will attain emancipation. If four planets be in the 10th bhava the effect of the yoga will be, say the astrological sages, that the person concerned will take to a life of asceticism.
  • When (1) Mars, the Sun, the Moon, Saturn and Jupiter, (2) Mars, the Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Venus or (3) the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Saturn and Venus combine in one bhava, the persons that are born become devotees.
  • A holy man destined to dwell in a sylvan or mountain retreat has his birth when there is in a bhava any one of the following combinations : (1) Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and the Sun; (2) Mars, the Moon, Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn; (3)Venus, Mercury, Saturn, the Moon and Mars.
  • Those that have at their birth, the Moon, Mercury, Mars and the Sun occupying one and the same sign with Jupiter or Venus will become wise inspired saints of such sanctity that the use of all weapons will be proscribed in their neighbourhood.
  • A person will become a devotee if at his birth there be any one of the following combinations in any bhava: (1) The Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus; (2) The Moon, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and the Sun; (3)Mars, the Moon, the Sun, Saturn, Venus and Mercury.
  • Each of the following combinations of six planets in one bhava is capable of making the person born under their influence a devotee (1) Venus, the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, the Sun and Mars; (2) Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, the Sun, the Moon and Mercury.
  • A person will become one of the ascetic class, if at his birth, one of the following groups of six planets combine in strength in one bhava: (1) Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and the Sun; (2) Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, the Moon and Mars.
  • Any one of the following combinations of 4 planets in one bhava has the effect of making the persons born under their influence take to a devotee’s life with their sustenance derived from roots and fruits: (l) The Sun, the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn; (2) Saturn, the Moon, the Sun and Venus; (3) The Sun, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter.
  • A person will become an ascetic clad in barks of forest trees and wearing stripes of ashes if at his birth one of the fourfold groups of planets mentioned below appear in one bhava: (1) Mars, the Sun, Mercury and Venus; (2) Mars, the Moon, Jupiter and Mercury.
  • If, at a birth, there be any one of the two following combinations of 4 planets in one bhava, the effect on the person born will be to make him a tranquil-minded devotee: (1) the Moon, Mercury, Mars and Saturn (2) Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
  • Four planets of great power in one bhava made up in the following wise invariably bring into being ascetics of harmless life dressing themselves in barks of trees and subsisting on fallen fruits: (l) The Moon, the Sun, Venus and Mercury; (2) Mars, Mercury, Venus and Saturn; (3) Saturn, the Moon, Jupiter and Venus.
  • A devotee dwelling in hills and forests and revered by all is born under the influence of 4 planets in one bhava grouped in one of the following 5 ways: (1) The Sun, the Moon, Mars and Venus; (2) The Moon, Mars, Mercury and the Sun; (3) Jupiter, Venus, the Sun and Saturn; (4) Venus, Saturn, the Moon and Jupiter; and (5) Mars, Mercury, Venus and the Moon.
  • An ascetic devoted to poverty and penance is born under the influence of 5 planets combining in one bhava in the following 3 ways:—-(1) Venus, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn; (2) the Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Venus; (3) The Sun, Mars, Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter.
  • Ascetics clad in a tree—bark and wearing matted locks come into existence when one of the following five fold groups of planets appears in one bhava: (1) Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury; (2) Saturn, the Sun, Mercury, the Moon and Mars.
  • When the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Venus combine in one and the same bhava with either Mercury or Saturn, the person born necessarily assumes the habit of a devotee and becomes gifted with long sight.
  • If the lord of the Lagna having no aspect of other planets on itself, aspect Saturn, or if Saturn aspect the lord of the Lagna devoid of strength, there is the yoga leading to the assumption of asceticism.
  • When the Moon occupies a Drekkana of Saturn and is aspected by that planet, the yoga leads to the renunciation of the world. The same is the case when the Moon occupying an amsa of Saturn or Mars is aspected by Saturn. If the planet leading to the assumption of asceticism be associated with Rahu, Ketu or Gulika and at the same time occupy a malefic amsa, the person will be guilty of apostasy from the holy order.
  • If strong planets capable of leading to asceticism be obscured by the Sun’s rays, the persons born will have great reverence for ascetics, though they may not become initiated into the holy order. If the planets referred to above be overcome in planetary war and aspected by other planets, the person concerned will seek admission into the holy order without success.

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