Results of Saturn in Different Houses in Vedic Astrology

This article explains the result of planet Saturn in different houses in Vedic astrology i.e. from 1st house (lagna) to 12th house. The results should be interpreted with other planetary positions of the horoscope.

  • Loss of childern, evil natured, unscrupulous, incurring king’s displeasure, bad citizen, insignifificant life, flatulence, adultery among low women, fond of drinks. If the birth sign is Libra, Sg, Cp, Aq and Pi with Saturn in it, the person commands respect, wealth, becomes a Presidency or Town Magistrate, educated and of comely appearance though dark.
  • wise, old look, strong physique, tall, lazy, dark complexion, pessimistic, poverty
  • Losing wealth, two wives, few lands, diseased face, breaks in education, adulterous, drunkard, stammering.
  • wealthy, loss through Govt., facial problem / mouth ulcer, rude, harsh speech, unsocial, gain by metals, mines, labour, unpopular
  • Loss of brothers, polite, obliging, cruel-hearted, many servants, courageous, fond of ladies, good cultivation.
  • Longevity, lazy, knowledge, courage, renounce the world, aristha to brothers, dull & stupid, cruel, sorrow through brothers, head of municipality
  • Kull-shresdha
  • Two mothers, cholic pains, miserable, not open hearted, fond of oily seeds and dark grains, political disfavour, good patrimony, success in foreign countries, incestuous intercourse.
  • Prosperity, wealth, comforts, servants, politics, sorrowful, disliked by relatives, trouble from houses & vehicles, will not inherit any property
  • Weak » tensed, poor, separation from mother
  • Issueless, adoption, evil minded, tale bearer. village life, criminal prosecutions. When this sign is common he is sure to have an adapted son.
  • Crooked brain, Putra Dosha, Depression, stomach ailments, stupid, poor, dull
  • Few cousins, deafness, stubborn, foeless, wealthy, few issues, quarrelsome, fond of women, suffering from complicated diseases.
  • Victory over enemies, wealthy, rectum, feet, ill-health to mother, diseases, quarrelsome, obstinate
  • Rahu » Hysteria
  • Mars » Operation
  • Saturn well aspected » gains through contract work, mining, masonry etc.
  • Sickly, many wives, fond of prostitutes, travelling, sponge (obtain or accept money or food from other people without doing or intending to do anything in return), cheat, cholic pains, deafness or pain in ears. In conjunction with Venus the wife also becomes unchaste.
  • Trouble from women, sick spouse, widowhood, connection with low caste women, ugly wife, under wife control
  • Long sexual organs, corpulent, poor, adultery with low caste women, drunkard, servile work, few children, bad sight, leprosy, expansion of glands, seducing family women. With Venus – travelling, adulterous, with Mars – danger by drowning, with Rahu – danger by weapons or poison, with Sun and Rahu impious (showing a lack of respect for God or religion), not performing paternal ceremonies, ever thinking of adultery, hard breathing, passing blood, consumption, asthma, few brothers, scandles in wife’s family, dishonestly earned money, worthless sons, long life.
  • Lungs, dishonest, cruel, disrespect, many responsibilities, longevity, eye, indigestion, poverty
  • Miserly, wearing torn or old garments, constructing tanks, temples, danger to paternal aunts, irreligious, unfilial (not having or showing the qualities associated with a son or daughter).
  • Stupid, cruel, irreligious, lustful, short life, no progeny, no marriage, lonely life
  • Bathing in the Ganges and other holy rivers, bilious (affected by or associated with nausea or vomiting), fond of agriculture, village or town magistrate, miserly, forsaking his own country and finding livelihood in a foreign country.
  • Politician, many subordinates, Sarpanch, brave, rich, famous, Farmer, career, sudden elevations & depressions
  • Exceedingly wealthy, many lands, great political respect, breaks in education, no elder brothers or paternal uncles, good horses and vehicles.
  • Employ many people, wealthy, fearless, healthy, industrialist, no happiness through wife, children or co-born, long-life
  • + LL » Politics
  • Learned, defective organs, skillful in arts, squint eyes (have eyes that look in different directions), giving money for evil purposes. If with an evil planet, danger to eyes.
  • Lower status, high expenses, eyes. commits sins in secret, deformed limb, enemies, loss in trade, pessimist, short life, skin disease, sudden fear, bad dreams, insomnia, dull-headed, lose all his money
  • PAC Mars » Sharp tongue

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