Results of Moon in Different Houses in Vedic Astrology

This article explains the result of planet Moon in different houses in Vedic astrology i.e. from 1st house (lagna) to 12th house. The results should be interpreted with other planetary positions of the horoscope.

  • Handsome but sickly, stout body, flatulence, disease in private organs and ears, educated, many brothers, fits, mental derangement, stubborn, danger from drowning. In Cancer, makes a man wealthy.
  • In Taurus, Moon gives excellent position and great wealth.
  • In Aries, gives many children.
  • Eye disease except Aries, Taurus, Cancer Lagna
  • Round face, softness, moody, dark & curly hair, soft spoken, kind, longevity, wealth
  • + Malefics » ear, speech
  • Handsome countenance (a person’s face or facial expression), charming eyes, highly intelligent, wealthy, breaks in education, great respect in government, good family, sweet speech
  • Noble family, wealth from milk, pearl, camphor, good speech, gains from females, reserved
  • Dispeptic (indigestion) complaints, piles, not suckled (feed from the breast) by mother, fine sisters, thin body, impious (showing a lack of respect for God or religion), many brothers, educated, courageous, cruel Artistic, creativity, health, strong, courageous, love to travel, business, respect co-borns, sexual
  • Mer + Sat » Impotent
  • Mer + Ven » effiminate
  • When the Moon is in the 3rd bhnva identical with a watery sign, the person born will engage in acts of beneficence such as repairing old worn out works of public utility. In this connection, if the lord of the 10th bhava should have attained a Gopuramsa, the works repaired will be such as tanks and wells.
  • Fine taste, high education, polite manners, good houses, horses and furniture, many relations, much wealth, happy, licentious (unprincipled in sexual matters), protector of many persons, good mother.
  • No happiness from mother, vidya balam, stable mind, scientific reasoning, sukh, land, vehicles, saatwik, travel overseas, poor
  • KBN, DS+
  • Many horses and cattle, handsome wife, shrewd, showy, imperfect education, many daughters
  • Vidya Dosham, break in study, tension in professional life
  • mental stability, high status, happiness, friends, astrologer, female progeny, speculation
  • Lazy, submissive to females, tender (showing gentleness, kindness, and affection) body, weak sexual connection, fond of widows, poor, drunkard, pilfering (stealing things of little value) habits, suckled by strangers, imperious (arrogant), intelligent, weak stomach, many foes
  • Enemies, Stomach
  • Strong » generous, proud, comforts; Weak » Slavery, unhappy, alpayu
  • + Ketu » suicidal tendencies
  • + Mars » Rajyoga
  • + Sun, Mars » Medical
  • + Mars + Sat » incurable disease, revengeful enemies
  • Fixed sign » gall stone, submissive to women, weak sexual connection & stomach troubles
  • Common sign » lungs, success as a caterer
  • Fond of women, blood-thirsty, handsome wife, good family, pains in the groins, when aspected by evil planets two wives, narrow minded, jealous, full of sexual energy
  • Spouse » beautiful, intelligent, devoted, good family
  • Intelligent, soft spoken, excellent speaking ability, putra bhagyam, foreign association, passionate, jealousy
  • Malefic » ill health of spouse
  • Unsteady, unhealthy, few children, mother short lived, maternal disagreement, bilious, lean body, bad sight
  • Early death of mother, psychological complexes, eyes, early death, suicidal tendeny, extraordinary loss, loss due to natural calamity, inheritance, fond of fighting
  • Lover of stories, intelligent, builder of tanks, temples and charitable places, good children, godly, many lands, gold, popular, friends, relations, wealthy
  • Attached to parents, pilgrimages, Vedas, Pinda danam, Dance, wealth, charity, foreign
  • Charitable, bold, shrewd, enjoying the fruits of his labour, fond of widows, adulterous, business tact, long life, successful, respect for elders and priests, wealthy
  • DS –
  • Name, fame, success, career in horticulture, herbs, sea products, water, wealth, sexual inclination, prakram, religious, intelligent, bold, ornaments, helpful nature
  • Jup » ancient subjects, astrology
  • Sat » Printing, Selling Books
  • When the Moon with clear rays occupies the 10th bhava the person born will be purified by the ablutions in the Ganges water. The Moon when malefic in the same bhava leads the person concerned to gambling and acts of violence.

Well informed, philonthropic ((of a person or organization) seeking to promote the welfare of others; generous and benevolent), literary taste, polite, wealthy, good cultivation, charitable, man of principles actuve sexually, children, dhirghayu, generous, good wife, happy, fame, jovial nature, dedicated worker, rise, longevity, foreign connection, govt. favour, sickly mother, bahu-putra yoga, Jitendreya

  • Mean habits, constant hearing of evil news, many relations, defective organs, narrow minded, cruel
  • Diseased wife, hard-hearted, eyes, narrow minded, crazy, expenses, connection with lowly people, foreign travel, good looks, self respect, good manner of speech, good residence, good in studies, milk

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