Results of Mercury in Different Houses in Vedic Astrology

Mercury in Lagna

  • Learned, well informed, fond of magic and astronomy, able to exorcise spirits, fond of mathematics and poetry, respected long life.
  • Slim, quick actions, maths, good dress up, learned, intelligent
  • Many issues, religionist, sweet speech, wealthy, self acquired property, fond of storing grain, steady in gaining his object.
  • Education, research, philosophical, lecturing, intelligent, business & commercial affair, spend on charities
  • Happy, fortunate in women, many brothers, often cruel
  • courage, sports, live in foreign land, sharp mind, tactful, diplomatic, fond of reading & study
  • If afflicted » nervous break-down
  • Learned, intelligent mother, polite, obliging, careless in carriages (the conveying of goods or passengers from one place to another) and animals and showing no taste in their selection
  • Boldly, critize the Govt., music, education, intelligent, astrology, vehicles, good speech, maternal relatives, happiness
  • Danger in maternal uncles, sickly parenrs, political respect, quarrelsome, showy, fond of clothes of all kinds
  • astrology, speculation, education, son, intelligent, comedian, high post, too much of sex, mantra-shakti
  • Breaks in education, foeless, respectable, short tempered, cunning, danger to mother, losses in money, disease in toes and fingers
  • No enemies, tarkvadi, industrialist, good wealth, quarrelsome, showy, nervous system, interrupted education
  • + Ven, Sun, Sat » Judiciary
  • Mars / Rahu / Sat » insanity, troubles with servants, lazy harsh in speech, terror to his enemies
  • Skilled in religious lore, happy mother, many carriages and horses, good health, adulterous, charitable good physique, skilled in business, maths, astronomy, astrology, partial impotence, married life not good
  • +Sun » extra marital affair of spouse, have the tendency to kill spouse
  • Respectable long life, obliging, few issues, many lands
  • long-life, learned, famous for his scholarship in many subjects, wealthy, lungs, sudden fall, inheritance
  • Obliging, fond of musical instruments, highly licentious (unprincipled in sexual matters), pretending to be holy, many issues
  • Pious, intution, vedas, maths, travel, gyana, businessman, writer, learned, sculpture
  • Fortunate, enjoyment in life, founder of charities, good name, intelligent, performing sacrifices, bad sight, renouncing worldly pleasures in after life
  • Professional problem, immoral, happy, straight forward, scholar in many subjects & acquiring more knowledge & fame, eyes, astronomy, maths
  • Ven » charming wife & wealth
  • Jup » Unhappy & chidless
  • Sat, Mer » Proofreader, penury
  • Many lands, wealth, happiness, mathematical faculty
  • Rich, famous, honest, gains through teaching / writing, learned person, clear in thoughts, male issues, Sadachaari, gains through uncles, elders
  • Intelligent, adulterous, capricious (given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behaviour), obliging, danger to mother, few children, living in others houses
  • Brain, sleeplessness, lazy, hard-hearted, education will suffer, extra marital

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