Results of Mars in Different Houses in Vedic Astrology

This article explains the result of planet Mars in different houses in Vedic astrology i.e. from 1st house (lagna) to 12th house. The results should be interpreted with other planetary positions of the horoscope.

  • Burn or scar in body, overheated constitution, thievish habits, corpulance, good complexion, respected, danger to father
  • Strong physique, courageous, selfish, head injuries, tooth, stomach, eye disease, injured by iron, Manglik
  • Short temper, extravagent and immoral, breaks in education, large patrimony in lands and jewels.
  • Manglik
  • Compulsive liar, eye, ear, head injuries, rude speech; but no for own or exaltation sign, loss by theft, befriend evil-minded, inclination to spiritualism
  • Few brothers, intelligent, very bold, adulterous, as also the wife, fond of dancing girls, adventurous, unpopular, many cousins
  • Courage, energy, strong body, sportsman, armed forces, intelligent, wealthy, cruel, leprosy, accidents, ear
  • KBN – no younger male siblings
  • Danger to parents, sickly mother, family quarrels, good conveyances, dependent on others, brutal, murderer of women.
  • KBN
  • Land profession, Bhoomi Dosha ,
  • Heart, Poor diseased, no happiness from mother
  • Success in Politics
  • Manglik
  • +Moon / +Sun » Lungs
  • +Sat –> Loss
  • R/K + Mars » Suicide
  • Childless, incurring government displeasure, unpopular
  • Poorva Punya Balam, unhappiness from children, enemies, stomach, tensions, back-bitter, miserable for his wife, friends & children, too much attached to sex pleasures & loss of health
  • Mars coming into the first portion of the 5th house, will kill the first son; coming into the middle portion, he will kill the middle son and if he comes into the last portion, he will kill the later issues. Further, Mars will always killl children between the ages of 1 and 3 years. According to this principle, the Moon rules for the first year and Mars rules for the next 2 years. Therefore clnldren will be killed within 3 years by Mars.
  • Wealthy, good lands, conquest over enemies, good political life, intelligent, secret enemies
  • Lawyer, land, politics
  • Control over enemies, financial management, strong body, disease, free life, mentally strong,
  • + Ketu » Jail, rectum
  • Afflicted » accidents, losses, troubles through enemies
  • Saturn » death due to operation or injury by animals
  • Rahu » Suicide
  • Ketu » Poisoning
  • Sickly wife passing blood or suffering from piles, disease in hands, many brothers and maternal uncle, intelligent
  • Manglik
  • Putra-Dosha, hen-pecked by his wife, 2 wifes, speculation, unsuccessful
  • Few issues, bad sight, short life, danger to father, grand father and maternal uncles, fond of dancing women, widower in after life
  • Manglik
  • wealthy, worriers, eyes, blood, piles
  • Separation, divorce, multiple marriages, extra marital affairs
  • + Ketu » Cancer
  • +Saturn » Paralysis
  • Untimely death, fall from height, spinal cord, short lived, hate his relatives, rule over many people
  • Loss from cultivation, sickly father, cruel disposition, dependent life, merchandize in boats and ships and gains thereby
  • Foreign, cruel, spiritual, like red color clothes, like to injure animals
  • Ven » 2 wives, foreign residence
  • Sat » addicted to women, lender
  • +Mer + Rahu » Chemistry
  • Clever in getting wealth, sound wealth, famous, founder of towns or colonies, self acquired property, food cultivation and profit.
  • Authority, command, good brain, friends, progeny, wealth, happy, vehicles, cruel ruler, fond of praise, rash, take bold steps in governing
  • +Sun, malefic moon » Surgeon
  • + Rahu, Sat, Ven » Police, military
  • +Mer, Moon, Ketu, Jup » Admin
  • Mer » skilled scientist / technician
  • Jup » head of low class people
  • Sat » daring but no progeny
  • Well informed, many lands, very shrewd in business, many elder brothers, self acquired property
  • wealth, angry, status, dhan yoga, poperty, disease free life, instrumental music, enemies, extra-marital affair, good deeds, income through factories, land, self-efforts, forceful speaker, powerful
  • Poor, rotten body, cheat, unpopular, loss of wife, if with Ketu incendiary habits
  • Head, sleeplessness, Property, appendix, gall bladder, debt, criminal case – jail, married life not good, selfish, hateful, disease due to excess of heat in body

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