Results of Ketu in Different Houses in Vedic Astrology

This article explains the result of planet Ketu in different houses in Vedic astrology i.e. from 1st house (lagna) to 12th house. The results should be interpreted with other planetary positions of the horoscope.

  • Emaciated figure, weak constitution, graceless manners, disease from poisonous effects, excessive heat, piles, fond of women, intelligent.
  • Good in Capricorn and Aquarius

Short temper but sweet tongue, cruel heart, breaks in education. Break in studies, quarrel in family, bad spaker, loss through fraud & deception, success in spiritualism, navigation, mystical arts, hospitals, loss through
theft, fire, gambling, litigation, eyes

  • Very popular, adventurous, no younger brothers, fond of gems, wealthy.
  • Sportsman, active, wealthy, brothers not helpful, loss outwardly bold but coward from within, hallucinations
  • Complaints from poison, quarrelsome, weak, sickly mother, licentious
  • Unhappiness, cruel, diseased, deprived of mother, properties & happiness, foreign
  • Sinful, eldest issue female, loss of children, fond of drinks and women.
  • Putra-Dosha, Poorva-Punya Dosha, Paapi, Stomach, loss of progeny, trouble from evil spirits, mental instability, in Venus nakshtra – good
  • Rise in the long run, agreeable conversation, admired by women, licentions, venereal disease.
  • Best position
  • Physial strength, good health, success, feet, lips, eye, fame, authority, foeless, loose moral character, intuitive & occult powers, materialistic loss, maternal uncle not good
  • Connection with maid servants or women serving as sweepers, nurses and attendants, very passionate, sickly wife, committing secret sins, search after widows.
  • fear from water, separation from spouse, involvement with undeserving people, sickly wife, unhappy marriage, lusts after widows, cancer in abdomen / uterus
  • Little intelligence, bad eyes, few children, senseless quarrels, ruin to women. mantra-shakti, snake bite, tantrik, disease difficult to diagnose, excretery system,
  • Practicing mantra which is difficult to control. Gives, headace, high fever, unbereable pain & death, Alpayu – 18-19 years, death due to headache
  • Blind or short-sighted, impious, liar, blessed with children, relations and friends.
  • Arista to father, no co-born, religious, foreign travel, wealthy, short-tempered, fond of pomp & show, treat his parents badly
  • Jolly, enjoying life in all its phases, bad relations, baths in the Ganges and other holy rivers.
  • Professional & domestic life not good, constantly change jobs, bold, strong, clever
  • Many friends, wealthy, intelligent, courageous, respect among all classes.
  • Wealthy, status, fame, good speaker, noble, stomach, charities
  • Afflicted » Kanjoos, speculation
  • Fickle minded, bad sight, residence in foreign country, constant travelling, forsaking the native country (abandon or leave), obtaining final emancipation or Moksham.
  • High expenses, argumentative, Moksha, worries, restless, wandering mind, foreign, loss of inherited property, lower classes will befriend him

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