Results of Jupiter in Different Houses in Vedic Astrology

This article explains the result of planet Jupiter in different houses in Vedic astrology i.e. from 1st house (lagna) to 12th house. The results should be interpreted with other planetary positions of the horoscope.

  • Learned, grammarian or philologist, many children, political success, long happy life, great respect, skillful in various arts, stout and majestic body, golden looks and eyes (Philology is more commonly defined as the study of literary texts as well as oral and written records, the establishment of their authenticity and their original form, and the determination of their meaning. A person who pursues this kind of study is known as a philologist.)
  • Tall, healthy, sober, calm, quiet, deep thinker, knowledeable, noble, religious, holy places, lucky
  • Handsome person, charming eyes, intelligent, wealthy, eloquent, good wife and family, witty and humorous in conversation, enjoyable life, great influence among relations
  • Speaking skills, good education, pious, wealthy, Gold, Poet, astrologer, scientist
  • Many brothers, miserly, polite professions, unscrupulous of the means employed in gaining his object, favourable to cultivation, protecting only very close relations.
  • Tension, relation with father not good, greedy, author, digestion not good, early death of father, death-like suffering, saintly, ill-health, does not love family & children, not many friends
  • Happy, wealthy, educated, good carriages and horses, helper of relations, fond of building houses, good mother, many cattle.
  • Sukh , married life good, professional life good, vehicles,
  • food, agricultural gain, delay in progeny, company of good females even in jungle, womanizer, philosophically, learned, happy, terror to enemies, peaceful domestic environments
  • Handsome and broad eyes, minister, dewan or commander, few children, very intelligent, skillful in mercantile work, eclipsed by the success of his son.
  • High status and inteligence, astrology, holy places, Putra Dosha, KBN
  • Many cousins and grand children, foeless, witty and humorous, licentious, dispeptic or weak digestion.
  • Liver not good, serve others, wealthy, court matters, getting inheritance through court case, not great success in professional field, black magic, unlucky, suffers disrespect
  • winning over enemies, if (R) trouble from enemies
  • Eclipsing his father in wealth and success, rich marriage, very sensitive, fond of good name, success in cultivation, if aspected by evil planets wife faithless.
  • Longevity, pious spouse, good looking, soft spoken, liked by king / boss, (R) – liked by king
  • (D) – wife not pious though native may like her
  • Mean minded, drunkard, widower, pains in stomach, teacher of servants, pretending to be charitable and misappropriating such funds, long life, dirty habits
  • Long life, expenditure on religious, sukh, holy places, vaak-siddhi, astrology, mangalya sukh, relations with widows, pailess death
  • Benevolent, god-fearing, many issues, performing many religious sacrifices, wealthy, long life to father, educated
  • Seer, holy places, lucky, vedas, happiness, wealth, status, good relations with relatives & spouse
  • Sun + Ven » characterless
  • Moon + Mars » army
  • learned, clever in acquisition of wealth, wealthy, great respect, many lands, good vehicles and horses, many children, governor of villages, many servants and maids, steady and paying cultivation.
  • wealthy, inheritance, too many obstacles in professional life, one will never become head of organization (boss)
  • do godly acts, high official in govt., wise, happy, guided by high principles
  • Rahu » mischief-maker, trouble for others at every step
  • Mars » heads research institutes, academic & educational institutes
  • +Mars , 2L » Judiciary
  • Professor of music, horses and elephants, very wealthy, charitable and god-fearing, dependant elder brothers.
  • Gains through knowledge, literary or religious activities or through sons, sons will live long, be bold, wealthy, vehicles, servants, education, courage, vedas, holy places, dhirghayu
  • Afflicted » no progeny, less academic qualification
  • Cruel, poor, few issues, connection with women and prostitutes, enlargement of spleen and glands, displaying great taste in selection of beds, cots, women and modes of enjoyment of life, charitable among deserving members, sanyasi, pious in after life.
  • Lazy, no happiness from children, evil minded

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