Results of 6th Lord in 12 Houses in Vedic Astrology

6th Lord in 1st House (Lagna)

  • If own sign / friendly / exalted sign – good results
  • If inimical sign / debilitated – bad results – disease, enemies, thief, robber, gang leader
  • ability to vanquish enemies, jailor, army, jail minister
  • R/K – cyclic disorder of mental deformity like every 6th / Purnima / Amavasya tithi
  • Sun / Mars / 10H » medical field

6L in Lagna with

SunHigh fever
MoonWatery disease or grandular swellings or ulcer
MarsBilious complaints
JupSexual troubles
VenNervous disease
SatCarbuncle or spleen trouble
  • Son will be wanderer & takes away father’s wealth
  • R/K – liar, earn through judiciary
  • Mer » financial from maternal sides, eyes
  • Ven » blind, loss of wife
  • Rahu + Sat » T.B., Cancer
  • Poverty
  • Agony & pain to whole community
  • +Mars » army
  • Alone + no aspect » sickly co-born, enmity with co-born
  • If strong – timid
  • If combust, (R), deb. » sexually weak
  • deprived of happiness, support from maternal relations
  • Sun » sudden loss of father
  • break in education, miserable life, trouble from servants, discard his mother, ancestral property will be involved in debt
  • Mer » break in education
  • Mars » property problem
  • Ven » accidents
  • Poorva Punya Dosha
  • Pitra Dosha
  • Sat – diseased progeny
  • R/K or Mars – miscarriage
  • less intelligence, emotionally barren, not inclined to godly, critisize Guru
  • ability to win enemies, courage, disease free life, success in competitions
  • LL + Mars » army
  • Ketu » murderer
  • weak LL » incurable disease
  • famous maternal uncle
  • Cruel planet » brutal, inhuman
  • wife character will be doubtful
  • Malefic » wife will die or divorce early; Benefic » wife sickly but happy married life
  • Late marriage, sickly wife
  • + 7L » more than 1 marriage
  • 10L » Profession abroad
  • Sat » Politician
  • debts, run after other women, incurable disease, violently sensitive, pleasure in inflicting pain on others, Madhayu, vipreet raj-yoga
  • Malefic » hydrophobia
  • Papa Graha » suicidal
  • Rahu » revenge
  • If 6L strong » father judge
  • not good relation with father
  • Arishta to bhagya, foreign travel / settlement
  • Service, professional problems, always shifting from one profession to another
  • Mer + Sat » Judiciary
  • Jup / Sun » judge, public prosecutor
  • Moon / ven » arbitrator
  • Rich, inherit wife property also, eldest brother judge
  • Sat » Politics
  • If Malefic » Poor
  • Vipreet Raja-Yoga
  • + Rahu » stay in other’s house, sinful or mean acts, disease, walking / talking in sleep, lower abdomen
  • R / K or 2H / 2L » kill onself in one’s sleep also
  • 3L » short travel-touring job
  • 10L » foreign profession

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