Results of 3rd Lord in 12 Houses in Vedic Astrology

Following is the result of 3rd lord in 12 houses in vedic astrology.

  • Actor, brave, music, dancing, support elder & younger siblings
  • 8H / 8L » lose ancestral property
  • Mars » courageous, rise in life through self-efforts
  • Sun / Jup / Moon » Eldest
  • Mars / Sat / Mer » Youngest
  • Rahu » no self-respect, chaaplusi to rise in life, no good relationship with co-born
  • Loss of virility, snpendthrift, unhappiness through brothers, family life, will earn & spend
  • Self-confidence
  • Mars » KBN » No brother
  • +Mer » tonsilities, throat cancer
  • Wife is cruel-hearted & mean, inherit property from aunt, wealth through self-efforts – agriculture, land
  • Mars / Sat / Sun » Property dealing
  • Jup » Adopted Son
  • Rahu / Ven » accident prone
  • Multiple progeny, agriculture, Govt. service
  • Rahu » Drugs
  • Sat » Smuggling
  • LL / 10L » Purva Punya Bal for extraordinary success, otherwise have to work hard
  • Takes bribe, no good relationship with co-born, enemies, murderer, sports
  • Mars » army
  • Mars + afflicted Moon » Doctor
  • 2 wives, foreign settlement, partnership deal, arthrities, veins, displacement of shoulders, spondilities, spinal cord, sexual attitude
  • Longevity, shoulder, spondilities, powerful legs – football player, misfortune in marriage, criminal case, chronic disease
  • + Venus » sexual disease, impotent, perform sexual act & then kill the person
  • Mer » Skin
  • Ketu / Mars » Piles
  • Profession involving tours, father untrustworthy
  • Pitra Dosha, foreign settlement
  • Quarrelsome & faithless wife
  • postpone things, workholic, self-efforts, lose interest in sexual affairs
  • Sat » Wood, steel, shoes, railways
  • Ven » Jewellery, audio-visual, films
  • not a good position, depend on others, diseased body
  • army, dhan yoga, success, strength, act like elder in house
  • Sat » Sarpanch
  • Jup » Sports
  • Foreign, feet, walk / talk in sleep, bad dreams, ear, short life, younger brother cruel, gets fortune after marriage, sorrow through relatives

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