Ravi Yogas (Vesi Yoga, Vosi Yoga, Ubhayachara Yoga, Budha-Aaditya Yoga)

Ravi yogas are the solar combinations. There are several yogas based on Sun. Because Mercury and Venus are with Sun or a sign away from him most of the time, the following yogas are very common in rasi chart. However, they are less common in divisional charts. One can apply these yogas in D-9 and D-10 in particular.

Definition: If there is a planet other than Moon in the 2nd house from Sun, then this yoga is present. For example, if Sun is in Gemini and Jupiter and Mercury are in Cancer, then this yoga is present.

Results: One born with this yoga has a balanced outlook. He is truthful, tall and sluggish. He is happy and comfortable even with little wealth.

Definition: If there is a planet other than Moon in the 12th house from Sun, then this yoga is present. For example, if Sun is in Aries and Jupiter and Venus are in Pisces, then this yoga is present.

Results: One born with this yoga is skillful, charitable, famous, learned and strong.

Definition: If there are planets other than Moon in the 2nd and 12th houses from Sun, then this yoga is present. For example, if Sun is in Cancer, Mars is in Leo and Venus is in Gemini, then this yoga is present.

Results: One born with this yoga has all comforts. He is a king or an equal.

Definition: Budha means Mercury, Aaditya means Sun and yoga means togetherness. If Sun and Mercury are together (in one sign), this yoga is present.

Results: One born with this yoga is intelligent and skillful in all works. He is wellknown, respected and happy. Nipuna means an expert.

Note: If Mercury is too close to Sun, he is combust (asta or astangata). Yogas formed by combust planets lose some of their power to do good. This yoga is the most powerful in divisional charts like D-10. In rasi chart also, it can give results if Mercury is not combust. Suppose someone has Sun and Mercury together in Leo in D-10. Then that person has a powerful Budha-Aditya yoga in career. The results will be felt throughout one’s life and the periods of Sun, Mercury and Leo will give those results in particular.

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