Raaja Sambandha Yogas in Vedic Astrology

Raaja means a king. Sambandha means relation or association. Raaja sambandha yogas are the combinations that give association with rulers. Those who have thse yogas are typically powerful ministers, secretaries, counsellors and bureaucrats, associated with the rulers and powerful men. However, these yogas are very common. The magnitude of success depends on the strength of the planets involved in raja yoga.

  • If the 10th lord is conjoined or aspected by AmK (chara amaatya kaaraka) or his dispositor, one becomes an important person in the court of a king.
  • If the 11th lord aspects the 11th house and there are no malefic planets joining or aspecting the 10th and 11th houses, one becomes an important person in the court of a king.
  • If AK (chara aatma kaaraka) and AmK conjoin, one is very intelligent and becomes a minister.
  • If AmK is very strong in own sign or his exaltation sign, then also one becomes a minister.
  • If AmK is in a trine from lagna, one becomes a famous minister.
  • If AmK is in a quadrant or a trine from AK, one is an associate liked by a king.
  • If malefics occupy the 3rd and 6th houses from lagna, AL and AK, then one becomes a powerful chief of army.
  • If AK is in an own or exaltation sign in a quadrant or a trine and the 9th lord is conjoined or aspected by AK, one becomes a minister.
  • If AK happens to be Moon’s dispositor and he occupies lagna along with a benefic, one becomes a minister at an old age.
  • If AK is in the 5th,7th, 9th or 10th houses with a benefic, one will be associated with kings and earn money thus.
  • If bhagyapada (A9 – arudha pada of the 9th house) is in lagna or AK is in 9th, one is fortunate and associates with kings.
  • If the 11th lord is in the 11th house without aspects from any malefics and AK is with benefics, then one has gains from a king.
  • If lagna lord is in the 10th house and the 10th lord is in lagna, one is powerful and associated with kings.
  • If Moon and Venus are in the 4th house from AK, one is endowed with royal insignia.
  • If lagna lord or AK conjoins the 5th lord in a quadrant or a trine, one becomes a king’s friend.

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