Planetary Dignities (Own Sign, Exaltation Sign, Debilitation Sign, Mooltrikona Sign of Planets) in Vedic Astrology
This is very important topic. As a student of astrology, you must understand it carefully as this information will be used in every horoscope you see.
Own Sign, Exaltation Sign, Debilitation Sign, Mooltrikona Sign of Planets
Planet | Own Sign | Exaltation Sign | Debilitation Sign | Mooltrikona Sign |
Sun | Leo (20° to 30°) | Aries (10°) | Libra (10°) | Leo (0° to 20°) |
Moon | Cancer (0° to 30°) | Taurus (3°) | Scorpio (0° to 3°) | Taurus (3° to 30°) |
Mars | Aries & Scorpio (12° to 30°) | Capricorn (28°) | Cancer (28°) | Aries (0° to 12°) |
Mercury | Gemini & Virgo (20° to 30°) | Virgo (15°) | Pisces (15°) | Virgo (15° to 20°) |
Jupiter | Sagittarius & Pisces (10° to 30°) | Cancer (5°) | Capricorn (5°) | Sagittarius (0° to 10°) |
Venus | Taurus & Libra (15° to 30°) | Pisces (27°) | Virgo (27°) | Libra (0° to 15°) |
Saturn | Capricorn & Aquarius (20° to 30°) | Libra (20°) | Aries (20°) | Aquarius (0° to 20°) |
Rahu | Aquarius | Gemini (1°) | Sagittarius (1°) | Virgo |
Ketu | Scorpio | Sagittarius (1°) | Gemini (1°) | Pisces |
Own sign means a particular planet is at his home and is comfortable. Just like you feel better at your home than at your good friend’s house or good neighbor’s house. A planet placed in its own house is said to give good results.
Exaltation sign means a particular planet is at the MOST comfortable position. You may feel good at your home but even at home, you may feel MOST comfortable at your bed-room rather than in drawing room or balcony.
A planet places in exaltation sign is said to give very good results as it becomes very powerful.
In Aries the tenth degree is the place of greatest exaltation for Ravi. In Taurus, Chandra is in deep exaltation in the 3rd degree. In Makara, Kuja is in deep exaltation in the 28th degree. In Kenya, Buda is in deep exaltation in the 15th degree. In Cancer, the 5th degree is the highest exaltation for Guru. In Meena, Sukra is most exalted in the 27th degree and in Libra, Saturn is deeply exalted in the 20th degree. When these planets occupy other degrees in their signs of exaltation, they are in simple exaltation which are not so productive of favorable results as their deep exaltation or Swocha.
Debilitation sign means a particular planet is at its worst position. Imagine yourself, someone forced to sit at your’s best enemy house in front of him and you are full of anger.
A planet in debilitation sign is said to be its worst position and will give bad results to the native.
Exaltation means the greatest power to do good while debilitation shows the greatest power to do evil.
When all the planets are Asta (Combust), Neecha, and Aribhamsasta, the combination is called Pratamsayoga. and produces danger, misery and death.
Aribhamsasta—-where a planet occupies the Amsa of its enemy or Ari it is said to be weak and inauspicious. Ari in Sanskrit means Shatru or enemy. Bha means a house or sign and Amsa means a division. Sta means the occupation of the same by a planet.
Lat—Sta to stand is akin to Sanskrit Stha to be or to stand.
When planets are in bad moods they do not produce good.
Mooltrikona sign means a particular planet is at good position and is in good good to perform its duty in good manner. A planet placed in its mooltrikona sign is said to give good results.
Let us take one example to understand all the these things.
Let us say you are at your home enjoying you favorite program on TV and you son asks for a particular gift for his upcoming birthday. Chances are you’ll agree and you’ll also make him happy. Now, imagine a planet in his own house / sign.
Let us say you are at your favorite picnic spot with your family and best friend. You’re happy and enjoying, playing and in good mood. Your wife asks for a particular gift for your upcoming marriage anniversary. Chances are you may give more than that gift to your wife. Now, imagine a planet in his exaltation sign / house.
Let us say you’re fed up with your routine job in your office. Your boss is not taking you seriously and yelling at you all the times. Giving credit of your hard work to your junior colleague whom you don’t like at all. The furniture at your office cabin is breaking from here and there and all your computer hard disk data has just been erased by some virus. You get credit card statement and some hacker has used your credit card for thousands of dollars to book some air tickets.
Just then, you wife calls you and remind you about marriage anniversary gift.
What will be your reaction at that moment? Chances are you’ll transfer all your anger, frustration and agony to your wife. You’ll do it non-stop until your wife disconnects the phone. Now, imagine a planet in his debilitation sign / house.
On the other hand, let us say you’re feeling good at your office. Your boss is happy to see your performance. You’re putting all your energy and power for your new project. The success of this new project means promotion for you. Now, imagine a planet in its mooltrikona sign / house.
Some special points regarding the results given by planets:
(1) Sun gives the results of being in moolatrikona in the first 20º of Le and the results of being in own rasi in the remaining 10º.
(2) Moon gives the results of being in exaltation rasi in the first 3º of Ta and the results of being in moolatrikona in the remaining 27º.
(3) Mars gives the results of being in moolatrikona in the first 12º of Le and the results of being in own rasi in the remaining 18º.
(4) Mercury gives the results of being in exaltation rasi in the first 15º of Vi, the results of being in moolatrikona in the next 5º and the results of being in own rasi in the remaining 10º.
(5) Jupiter gives the results of being in moolatrikona in the first 10º of Sg and the results of being in own rasi in the remaining 20º.
(6) Venus gives the results of being in moolatrikona in the first half of Li and the results of being in own rasi in the second half of Li.
(7) Saturn gives the results of being in moolatrikona in the first 20º of Aq and the results of being in own rasi in the remaining 10º.
An analogy may help one understand the subtle difference between own rasi, exaltation rasi and moolatrikona.
Own rasi of a planet (e.g. Pisces of Jupiter) is like one’s home. One is most natural and comfortable at home. That is exactly what a planet in own rasi is. Moolatrikona of a planet (e.g. Sagittarius of Jupiter) is like one’s office. One executes one’s formal job and performs one’s duty at office. One is powerful and duty-minded at office.
Exaltation sign of a planet (e.g. Cancer of Jupiter) is like a favorite party/picnic. One is excited to be at one’s favorite party/picnic. So an exalted planet is like an excited person at his favorite picnic spot.
Debilitation sign of a planet (e.g. Capricorn of Jupiter) is like one’s worst party. A debilitated planet is like an unhappy person stuck at a place he hates.
Jupiter is a saattwik and dharmik Brahmin. Ethery Jupiter, planet of perception, intelligence and wisdom, is most comfortable in saattwik Pisces, which is the 12th house of the natural zodiac. That is his home. However, he also has to uphold dharma. Upholding dharma is his duty. Whether he likes it or not, he has to do it. So fiery Sagittarius, 9th house in the natural zodiac, is his moolatrikona. Jupiter is like a “raaja purohit” (chief priest of a king) in Sagittarius. He has to sometimes take strong decisions to uphold dharma (like sentencing someone to death). In Pisces, he is like a peaceful Brahmin doing pooja at his home. In watery Cancer, the 4th house of the natural zodiac, Jupiter is excited to do some imaginative (watery) learning (4th house matter). In taamasik and earthy Capricorn, the 10th house of the natural zodiac, Jupiter hates doing tamasik and well-defined karma (action, 10th house matter). It is against his nature. Executing well-defined taamasik karma may be fine with taamasik planets Mars and Saturn, but Jupiter is unhappy with it. So Jupiter is debilitated in Cp.
Take Mercury as another example. He is an intellectual planet and significator of communications. “Intelligent communication” is the most comfortable activity for him. So his home is intellectual Gemini, the 3rd house (communications) of the natural zodiac. However, intelligent debates and arguments are the formal job assigned to him. Virgo is the 6th house (arguments) of the natural zodiac and it is Mercury’s moolatrikona!
While saattwik and ethery Jupiter doesn’t quite love the job of fiercely and fierily upholding dharma (by punishing demon king Bali in Vaamana avatara, for example), he does it with a sense of duty. But Mercury loves his official job! He loves engaging in intellectual debates. So Virgo (6th house of the natural zodiac) is not only his moolatrikona (office), but also his exaltation sign (favorite picnic spot). Still, “intelligent communications” (Gemini) is what he is most comfortable with (home).
Let us take one final example – Ketu. Ketu is most comfortable with occult activity, which are shown by the 8th house. So he owns the 8th house of the natural zodiac, i.e. Scorpio. His official duty, however, is giving upaasana (meditation) and moksha (liberation), which are shown by the 12th house. So his moolatrikona is in the 12th house of the natural zodiac, i.e. Pisces.
One should remember the above and understand the mood of a planet based on whether it is in own rasi or exaltation rasi or moolatrikona. Though all the three are good placements, there is a subtle difference in the mood of the planet and the results given by it.
Sri Adi Shankaracharya Horoscope Example:

Sun exalted, lord of 2nd house (speech) with Mercury lord of third and twelfth (lntellect and Logic) and Venus (Poetic) lord of fouth and eleventh, posited in 10th house. He was master of strictest logic, yet so sweet-tongued, that he was able to convince thousands and thousands of his opponents
Sri Gautama Buddha, Prophet Mohammed, Sri Ramanujacharya, Swami Vidyaranya all had exalted Sun. The Sun represents Atman, A Sattwikaguna, Philosophical, and philanthropic dispositions.
Aurangzeb has debilitated Sun. He had exalted Moon (Manas or Mind) which indicated vast ability and patience. The disposition of the Sun made him habitually auspicious and the mistakes of his political conduct were sufficiently evident.
For the guidance of students we have shown the distinction between the behaviour of an exalted planet and a debilitated planet. But it should be well ‘understood unless the complete analysis of the horoscope, together with other Astrological principles (which will be discussed later on) is done no fruitful results or final conclusion can be arrived at.
A beggar is no chooser, he depends upon the help of others. There is a saying “Where there is a will there is a way” or “A man is maker of his own fortune” but unless he is strong enough and also permitted by the circumstances, he will not achieve better results.
Ucchabhilashi and Neechabhilashi Planet
Any planet which is in a sign preceding its exaltation sign or point is called uchchabhilashi, and tends to. give favourable results.
ln between a planet moving towards the exaltation top is called Uchchabhilashi and the planet moving from the top of exaltation to deep point of debilitation is called Neechabhilashi. The points of deep exaltation and deep debilitation are 180 apart from each other or in the 7th sign from the point of exaltation is the point of debilitation or vice versa.
A planet when moving after crossing its debilitation point and moves towards the point of exaltation (which is a point just at a distance of 180 degrees from the deep point of debilitation) is called Aarohi.
When a planet crosses the highest degree of exaltation and moves towards the deep point of debilitation (which is also at a distance of 180 degrees from the point of exaltation) is called Avrohi.
ln the first case the planet is said to be gaining strength and in the other case the planet is losing strength every minute till it losses all the strength at the point of deep debilitation.