Name of 9 Planets in Vedic Astrology

Let’s start learning vedic astrology with the names of 9 planets in Vedic astrology. The list is different from what you’ve learned in your school time. Our vedas has described Uranus, Neptune and Pluto as planets and also their distance from Earth and Sun in details, but as far as Vedic astrology is concerned, they have not included them. This is the starting and major difference between Vedic Astrology and Western astrology.

Since, we’re living on Earth, it’s obvious that we’ll be directed by all other planet’s radiations / gravitational force. So, we consider Sun and Moon also as planets and 2 mathematically calculated imaginary point – Rahu and Ketu.

Sr. No.Planet Name in EnglishPlanet Name in HindiSymbol used in Horoscope
6JupiterGuru / BrihaspatiJu

Just remember these 9 names, along with their short-names as they are used when making horoscopes. If possible, try to remember their Hindi names also as some books or notes here may have contents using their Hindi names.

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