Misc. Yogas in Vedic Astrology (Part – 3)

This page will cover famous yogas like Devendra Yoga, Indra Yoga, Ravi Yoga, Bhaaskara Yoga, Kulavardhana Yoga, Vasumati Yoga, Gandharva Yoga, Go Yoga, Vidyut Yoga, Chapa Yoga, Pushkala Yoga, Makuta Yoga, Jaya Yoga, Harsha Yoga, Sarala Yoga, Vimala Yoga

If (1) lagna is in a fixed sign, (2) 2nd and 10th lords have an exchange, and, (3) lagna and 11th lords have an exchange, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga is a leader of men. He is handsome, romantic, long-lived and famous. Devendra is the ruler of gods.

If (1) the 5th and 11th lords have an exchange and (2) Moon occupies the 5th house, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga becomes a king. He is bold, famous and long-lived. Indra is the ruler of gods.

If (1) Sun is in the 10th house and (2) the 10th lord is in the 3rd house with Saturn, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga is learned, passionate and respected by kings. Ravi means Sun.

If (1) Moon is in the 12th from Sun, (2) Mercury is in the 2nd from Sun, and, (3) Jupiter is in the 5th or 9th from Moon, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga is wealthy, valorous and aristocratic. He is learned in sastras, astrology and music. He has a good personality. Bhaaskara means “one with bright rays”. It is a name of Sun.

If each planet occupies the 5th house from either lagna or Moon or Sun, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga is happy, wealthy and brings name to his lineage and community. He has an unbroken line of worthy successors. Kula means “lineage or community”. Vardhana means “one who makes it grow and prosper”.

If benefics occupy upachayas, then this yoga is present. For it to give full results, malefics should not occupy upachayas and the benefics occupying upachayas should be strong. One born with this yoga has abundant wealth. Vasumati means earth.

If (1) the 10th lord is in a trine from the 7th house, (2) lagna lord is conjoined or aspected by Jupiter, (3) Sun is exalted and strong, and, (4) Moon is in the 9th house, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga is skillful and famous in fine arts. Gandharvas are a class of gods with excellent skills in singing and other fine arts.

If (1) Jupiter is strong in his moolatrikona, (2) the lord of the 2nd house is with Jupiter, and, (3) lagna lord is exalted, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga is from a respectable family. He is wealthy and resepcted by all. Go means a cow.


If (1) the 11th lord is in deep exaltation, (2) he joins Venus, and, (3) the two of them are in a quadrant from lagna lord, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga becomes a king or an equal. He is wealthy, pleasure-loving and charitable. Vidyut means a lightning bolt or electricity.

If (1) the 4th and 10th lords have an exchange and (2) lagna lord is exalted, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga works for a king and commands a lot of wealth. Chapa means a bow.

If (1) lagna lord is with Moon, (2) dispositor of Moon is in a quadrant or in the house of an adhimitra (good friend), (2) dispositor of Moon aspects lagna, and, (4) there is a planet in lagna, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga is eloquent, wealthy, famous and respected by kings. Pushkala means abundant.

If (1) Jupiter is in the 9th house from the 9th lord, (2) the 9th house from Jupiter has a benefic, and, (3) Saturn is in the 10th house, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga is a powerful leader of men. He often manages unruly activities. Makuta means crown.

If (1) the 10th lord is in deep exaltation and (2) the 6th lord is debilitated, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga is happy, successful, victorious over enemies and long-lived. Jaya means victorious.

If the 6th lord occupies the 6th house, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga is happy, strong, good-natured and invincible. Harsha means joyous.

If the 8th lord occupies the 8th house, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga is long-lived, fearless, learned, celebrated and prosperous. He is a terror to his enemies. Sarala means straight-forward.

If the 12th lord occupies the 12th house, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga is noble, frugal, happy and independent. Vimala means pure.

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