Misc. Yogas in Vedic Astrology (Part – 2)

This page will cover famous yogas like Lagnaadhi Yoga, Hari Yoga, Hara Yoga, Brahma Yoga, Vishnu Yoga, Siva Yoga, Trilochana Yoga, Gouri Yoga, Chandikaa Yoga, Lakshmi Yoga, Saarada Yoga, Bhaarathi Yoga, Saraswathi Yoga, Amsaavatara Yoga

If (1) the 7th and 8th houses from lagna are occupied by benefics and (2) no malefics conjoin or aspect these planets, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga becomes a great person. He is learned and happy. Adhi means over or above. We have already seen Adhi Yoga among Chandra yogas. Lagnaadhi yoga means Adhi Yoga from lagna.

If benefics occupy the 2nd, 12th and 8th houses counted from the 2nd lord, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga is happy, learned and blessed with wealth and children. Hari is a name of Lord Vishnu. The 2nd house is the house of food and money and it is a trine from karma sthana – the 10th house. It stands for sustenance and its lord represents Hari – Sustainer of Hindu Trinity – in a chart.

If benefics occupy the 4th, 9th and 8th houses counted from the 7th lord, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga is happy, learned and blessed with wealth and children. Hara is a name of Lord Shiva. The 7th house rules death and Shiva is represented by its lord. This is why the 7th house shows genitalia and Shiva is worshipped in the form of a Linga – Phallus – in Hindu temples.

If benefics occupy the 4th, 10th and 11th houses counted from lagna lord, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga is happy, learned and blessed with wealth and children. Brahma is the creator of this universe. Lagna rules birth and the Creator is represented in a chart by lagna lord.

NOTE: (1) Some authors combine Hari yoga, Hara yoga and Brahma yoga and call it “Hari Hara Brahma yoga”. Also, these three yogas are known as Trimurthi Yogas. Brahma is the Creator; Hari is the Sustainer; and, Shiva is the Destroyer. They form the Trinity of Gods (Trimurthis).

(2) There is another variation of Brahma yoga: “If (1) Jupiter is in a quadrant from the 9th lord, (2) Venus is in a quadrant from the 11th lord, and, (3) Mercury is in a quadrant from the 1st lord or 10th lord, then this yoga is present.”

If (1) the 9th and 10th lords are in the 2nd house and (2) the lord of the sign occupied in navamsa by the 9th lord in rasi chart is also in the 2nd house, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga is fortunate, learned, long-lived and liked by kings. He is a worshipper of Vishnu.

If (1) the 5th lord is in the 9th house, (2) the 9th lord is in the 10th house, and, (3) the 10th lord is in the 5th house, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga is wise and virtuous. He is a conqueror. He can be an army chief or a businessman. Lord Siva is one of the Trinity of Gods.

If Sun, Moon and Mars are in mutual trines, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga is wealthy, intelligent, long-lived and victorious over enemies. He achieves everything without many obstacles. Trilochana means “one with three eyes”. It is another name of Lord Siva, who has a hidden eye in His forehead.


If the lord of the sign occupied in navamsa by the 10th lord is exalted in the 10th house and lagna lord joins him, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga is from a respectable family and he is religious and virtuous. He is blessed with happiness from family. Gouri is a form of Parvati – Lord Siva’s wife. She is an epitome of marital bliss and purity.

If (1) lagna is in a fixed sign aspected by 6th lord and (2) Sun joins the lords of the signs occupied in navamsa by 6th and 9th lords, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga is aggressive, charitable, wealthy, famous and longlived. Chandika is an aggressive form of Parvati. She kills demons mercilessly.

If (1) the 9th lord is in an own sign or in his exaltation sign that happens to be quadrant from lagna and (2) lagna lord is strong, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga becomes a king. He is blessed with good looks, character, wealth and many children. He is principled and famous. Lakshmi is Vishnu’s wife. She is the goddess of prosperity.

If (1) the 10th lord is in the 5th house, (2) Mercury is in a quadrant, (3) Sun is strong in Leo, (4) Mercury or Jupiter is in a trine from Moon, and, (5) Mars is in 11th, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga is blessed with wealth, spouse and children. He is happy, learned, principled and liked by kings. He is a tapaswi (autere pursuer of knowledge). Saarada is another name of Saraswathi, the goddess of learning.

If the lord of the sign occupied in navamsa by 2nd, 5th or 11th lord exalted and joins the 9th lord, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga is a great scholar. He is intelligent, religious, good-looking and famous. Bhaarathi is another name of Saraswathi, the goddess of learning.

If (1) each of Mercury, Jupiter and Venus occupies a quadrant or a trine or the 2nd house (not necessarily together) and (2) Jupiter is in an own or friendly or exaltation sign, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga is very learned, skillful, intelligent, rich and famous. He is praised by all. Saraswathi is the
goddess of learning.

If Jupiter, Venus and exalted Saturn are in quadrants, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga becomes a king or an equal. He is learned and pleasure-loving. He has unsullied reputation. Amsaavatara means one who is an incarnation of a part of the Lord.

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