Misc. Yogas in Vedic Astrology (Part – 1)

This page will cover famous yogas like Amala Yoga, Parvata Yoga, Kaahala Yoga, Chaamara Yoga, Sankha Yoga, Bheri Yoga, Mridanga Yoga, Sreenaatha Yoga, Sreenaatha Yoga, Koorma Yoga, Khadga Yoga, Kusuma Yoga, Kalaanidhi Yoga

If there are only natural benefics in the 10th house from lagna or Moon, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga has ever-lasting fame. He is respected by kings. He has luxuries and he is virtuous. He helps others. Amala means pure. Because the 10th house shows one conduct in society, situation of only benefics there makes one’s conduct in the society very pure.

If (1) quadrants are occupied only by benefics and (2) the 7th and 8th houses are either vacant or occupied only by benefics, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga is fortunate, eloquent, famous, charitable, easy-going and likes humour. Parvata means a mountain.

If (1) the 4th lord and Jupiter are in mutual quadrants and (2) lagna lord is strong, then this yoga is present. Alternately, this yoga is present if the 4th lord is exalted or in own sign and the 10th lord joins him. One born with this yoga is strong, bold, cunning and leads a large army. He owns a few villages. Kaahala means excessive. It also means mischievous.

If the lagna lord is exalted in a quadrant with Jupiter’s aspect or two benefics join in 7th, 9th or 10th, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga is a king or someone respected by kings. He is long-lived, scholarly, eloquent and learned in many arts. Chaamara means something akin to the plume on the head of a horse. By waving it, servants give relief to kings from heat (like a fan). It basically stands for the trappings of power.

If (1) lagna lord is strong and (2) 5th and 6th lords are in mutual quadrants, then this yoga is present. Alternately, this yoga is present if (1) lagna lord and 10th lord are together in a movable sign and (2) the 9th lord is strong. One born with this yoga is blessed with wealth, spouse and children. He is kind, pious, intelligent and long-lived. Sankha means a conch shell.

If (1) the 9th lord is strong and (2) 1st, 2nd, 7th and 12th houses are occupied by planets, then this yoga is present. Alternately, this is yoga is present if (1) the 9th lord is strong and (2) Jupiter, Venus and lagna lord are in mutual quadrants. One born with this yoga is blessed with wealth, spouse and children. He can be a king. He has fame and character. He is virtuous and religious. He enjoys pleasures. Bheri means a kettledrum.

If (1) there are planets in own and exaltation signs in quadrants and trines and (2) lagna lord is strong, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga is a king or an equal and he is happy. Mridanga is a rich and elegant percussion instrument popular in south India.

If (1) the 7th lord is exalted in 10th and (2) 10th lord is with 9th lord, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga becomes a great king equal to Indra – king of gods. Sreenaatha means the lord of great wealth and prosperity. It also means Vishnu.


If (1) benefics are in lagna and 9th, (2) some planets are in 5th, and, (3) malefics are in chaturasras (4th and 8th houses), then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga becomes an astrologer or a seer. He is a personification of kindness, character and intelligence. He is strong and good-looking. He is famous and learned. He is a tapasvi (austere pursuer). Matsya means a fish.

If (1) the 5th, 6th and 7th houses are occupied by benefics who are in own, exaltation or friendly signs and (2) the 1st, 3rd and 11th houses are occupied by malefics who are in own or exaltation signs, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga becomes a king. He has piety and character. He is happy, helpful and famous. Koorma means a tortoise.

If (1) the 2nd lord is in the 9th house, (2) the 9th lord is in the 2nd house, and, (3) lagna lord is in a quadrant or a trine, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga is skillful, wealthy, learned, happy, fortunate, intelligent, grateful and mighty. Khadga means a sword.

If (1) lagna is in a fixed sign, (2) Venus is in a quadrant, (3) Moon is in a trine with a benefic, and, (4) Saturn is in the 10th house, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga becomes a king or an equal. He is charitable. He is endowed with pleasures and happiness. He is a leader of his community. He has character and scholarship. Kusuma means a flower.

If (1) Jupiter is in the 2nd house or the 5th house and (2) he is conjoined or aspected by Mercury and Venus, then this yoga is present. One born with this yoga is endowed with character, happiness, good health, wealth and learning. He is respected by kings. Kalaanidhi means a treasure of arts and skills.

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