Important Astrological Rules regarding 9th House

These are the general but important astrological rules compiled from different authentic classical texts of vedic astrology.
If Moon is in 9 with malefics or Venus, or if its lord is with them, the person will have criminal connection with his teacher’s wives. If the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of 9 is with evil planets, or if Moon occupies 9 with malefics the person commits adultery with elderly woman.

  • If Moon is weak or occupies an evil Navamsa, or Venus is similarly situated, or if the lord of 9 is debilitated or occupies a bad Navamsa with Venus, the person has connection with motherly relations. If Jupiter or Venus is exalted or occupies favourable divisions, and the lord of 1 is powerful the person becomes charitable, honest and straight forward.
  • If the lord of 9 occupies the Navamsas of Jupiter, or Mercury aspected by benefics, or is placed between them, the person becomes a man of principles. If good planets occupy 9 and its lord occupies a weak Navamsa or unfavourable division, the person does charity with a view to become famous.
  • If Rahu and Saturn are in 9 and its lord is aspected by Gullika in the Navamsa, the person becomes cruel-hearted and impious. If the lord of 9 is a good planet, and Sun is in conjunction with a good planet, the person will have paternal bliss.
  • If the lords of Lagna and 9 are powerful as well as Sun, and aspected by benefics, the person will be obedient to his father. If the lord of 9 is in quadrants or trines aspected by or is in conjunction with good planets, the person becomes wealthy. If the lord of 2 is in 9, and the lord of 9 is in 11, and the lord of 11 is in 2 aspected by or in conjunction with the lord of 10, the person becomes extremely wealthy. If the lord of 9 joins the lord of 3 aspected by or is conjunction with benefics, and occupies good Navamsas, the person gets much wealth from his brothers.
  • If the lord of 9 is in 12 aspected by powerless or debilitated planets and occupies bad divisions or if the lord of 9 is weak, malefics are in 9 and the lord of 1 is bad, the person becomes poor.
  • If the lord of 1 occupies 9 and the lord of 9 joins 1, or if the lord of 9 occupies 11, or if the lords of 11 and 9 join together and are in 2, the man gets rich again. Here it is meant that the man gets money, loses it and. gets it back again. If the lord of 10 is in 9 and the lord of 9 is powerful; and is aspected by Venus or Jupiter the person becomes very religious.
  • If the lord of 9 is exalted, and is aspected by good planets, and benefics are in 9, or if the lord of 1 is seen by the lord of 9, and they occupy quadrants or trines, the person becomes very charitable.
  • If the lord of 9 is in 4, and the lord of 10 occupies quadrants, and the lord of 12 has the aspect of Jupiter, the man will be charitable.
  • It the lord of 5 joins 9 and the lord of 9 occupies 10 aspected by the lord of 1, the person receives liberal gifts or charities.
  • If the lord of 9 is seen by the lord of 10, and occupies quadrants or trines, the person receives very sub-stantial charitable gifts.
  • The 9th bhava occupied or aspected by a benefic planet or its own lord secures happiness to the persons concerned. The planet owning the rasi occupied by the lord of the 9th bhava is the author of the good fortune mentioned above. It is the lord of the 9th bhava that matures the same. The lord of the 5th place from the 9th bhava is its awakener. If these planets be in exaltation or in their own signs, they produce long-lasting happiness.
  • If the Moon occupying the 9th house be aspected by Saturn, Mercury and Mars, the person born will be a king; the same thing happens when a planet in its exaltation in the 9th bhava is aspected by a benefie one. If the Sun in conjunction with the Moon occupy that bhava, the person born will be wealthy but afflicted with eye-disease. If the Sun and Mars be together in the 9th house, the native will be fond of having heated arguments, but liked by kings.
  • If the Sun and Mercury appear in conjunction in the 9th bhava, the person born will have numerous enemies, will be unhappy and always suffering from some ailment. If the Sun in the 9th house be associated with Jupiter; the person born will be wealthy and do what will please a father. If the planet in conjunction with the Sun in the 9th bhava be Venus, th effect of it on the person born will be to make him sick. But if the Sun and Saturn occupy the 9th bhava together, the person cencerned will be ailing (diseased) as a father and that from a stomachic complaint. lf there be the Moon and Mars associated together in the 9th bhava, the person born will perpetrate matricide (killing mother) and will have to renounce his wealth.
  • If the Moon and Mercury be together in the 9th bhava, the person affected by the yoga will be eloquent and conversant with many sciences. If Jupiter occupy the 9th bhava in conjunction with the Moon, the person born will be firm minded, illustrious and prosperous. When the Moon and Venus are in the 9th bhava, the person concerned will have a strumpet (a female prostitute) for his wife and will be in favour with his step mother. If the Moon in the 9th bhava be associated with Saturn, the person born will be void of all religious merit and his mother will be cast out of his family.
  • If Mars and Mercury be together in the 9th bhava, the person born will be learned in the sacred books and devoted to pleasure and ease; if Mars combine with Jupiter in that bhava, the person concerned will be wealthy and respected. The effect of Mars being associated with Venus in the 9th bhava is that the person born will have two wives and will be an expounder (expert) of law in a foreign land. If the planet combining with Mars in the 9th bhava be Saturn, the influence of the yoga on the person born is to make him wicked and addicted to women not his own. When Mercury and Jupiter are found together in the 9th bhava, the person born will be keen-witted (quick to notice and understand things), wise, wealthy and learned.
  • When Mercury and Venus combine in the 9th bhava, the person born will be wise, devoted to music and pleasure, and learned; when Mercury and Saturn are found together in that bhava, the person concerned will be sickly, surpassing in wealth, but untruthful; when Jupiter and Venus occupy the 9th bhava together, their influence on the person born will be to make him long-lived and exceedingly prosperous; when Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction in the 9th bhava, the person born will suffer from disease and will be rich in jewels; when Venus is associated with Saturn in that bhava, the person born will become a king’s companion or associate.
  • If the Sun, the Moon and Mars combine in the 9th bhava, the person born will become an orphan and have an impaired limb, if three planets occupying the 9th bhava be the Sun, the Moon and Mercury, the person born will be cruel and engaged in forbidden acts; if the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter be found together in the 9th bhava, the person will enjoy much ease and will be rich in vehicles.
  • When the 3 planets in the 9th bhava are the Sun, the Moon and Venus, the person born will be a royal favourite and lose his wealth by engaging in quarrels for women. If the Sun, the Moon and Saturn be associated together in the 9th bhava, the effect on the person born will be that he will have to serve as a menial (not requiring much skill and lacking prestige) and become extremely unpleasant to good people. If in that bhava the Sun, Mars and Mercury be united, the person born will be lovely, but ill tempered and quarrelsome. if the combination in the 9th bhava consist of the Sun, Mars and Jupiter, the person concerned will evince love to Gods and the Manes (dead ancestors) and will be blessed with children, wife and wealth.
  • If the Sun and Mars appear in conjunction with Venus in the 9th bhava, the effect of the yoga on the person born will be to make him fond of having heated arguments, irritable and rakishly (immoral way) inclined to the seduction of women. If the Sun and Mars be associated with Saturn, he person born wiil be friendless poor, needy and will become a patricide (killing own father). If the planets in the 9th bhava be the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter, the person born will be a royal favourite and own large wealth. If the Sun, Mercury and Venus be together in that bhava, they will make the person born equal to a king; if the planet combining in the 9th bhava with the Sun and Mercury be Saturn, the person born will be wicked and addicted to women not his own.
  • The Sun and Jupiter combining with Venus in the 9th bhava make the person born rakish (slightly disreputable quality or appearance), wealthy and learned. If the same two planets become associated with Saturn in the 9th bhava, the person born will become a notorious libertine (a person who freely indulges in sensual pleasures without regard to moral principles). When the Sun, Venus and Saturn appear together in the 9th bhava, the person born will become a vile convict (guilty of morally bad). The Moon, Mars and Mercury conjoined in the 9th bhava give birth to one who, though afflicted in childhood, will become happy in later life.
  • If the Moon, Mars and Jupiter be together in the 9th bhava, the person born will devote himself to divine worship. The combination in the 9th bhava of the 3 planets the Moon, Mars and Venus will make the person concerned bereft of his wife and subject him to accidents resulting in bodily hurt; if the Moon, Mars and Saturn be the trio planets in the 9th bhava, the person born will be of a base disposition, lose his mother but will become a king’s peer; the Moon, Mercury and Jupiter appearing in the 9th make the person born a teacher and a wealthy lord.
  • When the Moon, Mercury and Venus are together in the 9th bhava, the effect will be that the person born will become subject to the control of his step-mother’s father. If the Moon, Mercury and Saturn be the three planets in the 9th bhava, the person born will be wicked and inclined to pick quarrels.
  • The Moon and Jupiter in the 9th bhava combining with Venus make the person born a king; the same two planets associated with Saturn in that bhava make him inclined to virtuous acts. The three planets Saturn, Mercury and Venus in the 9th bhava give the person born a status equal to a king’s and convert him into a money making farmer.
  • Mars and Mercury combining with Jupiter in the 9th bhava make the person born a ruler of a province. The same planets combining with Venus in the same bhava will make him conversant with Sastras, but fickle minded and cowardly. If those two planets again be associated with Saturn in the 9th bhava, the person born will be captious (often expressing criticisms about matters that are not important) and incompetent (not having or showing the necessary skills to do something successfully).
  • If Mercury and Jupiter be associated with Venus in the 9th bhava, the person born will be celebrated for his learning and virtue. The same two planets, if associated with Saturn in the 9th bhava, will make the person concerned learned and eloquent. When jupiter, Venus, Mercury and the Moon combine in the 9th bhava a fortunate person takes his birth.
  • If the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn be together in the 9th bhava, the person born acquires wealth by his daring and prowess. Venus, Mars, Jupiter and the Moon in the 9th bhava make the person born valiant, endowed with every virtue and a critical faculty to appreciate works of art. When the combination in the 9th bhava generally consists of 6, 5, 4 or 3 planets, the person born attains prosperity. If the combination includes Mercury, the person concerned gets regal power; but if the combination be without Mercury or Jupiter, the person born gets evil fortune for his lot.
  • Planets combining in the 9th bhava, if dissociated from Mercury and Jupiter, cause the birth of a person that will be diseased, unamiable, forlorn, pining in prison and exceedingly miserable.
  • If the lord of the 9th bhava occupying the 8th be apected by a depressed or inimical planet or be itself in depression or in a malefic amsa, the person born will be unlucky.When the lord of the 9th bhava is associated with a benefic planet and is aspected by another benefic planet and the 9th bhava itself has a benefic planet in it, the person born will enjoy good fame,wealth and prosperity.
  • lf Mars or the Sun occupy the 9th house and the lord of the latter be in a Dusthana or between two malefics, the efiect will be the demise of the father (or one equal to a father) of the native soon after his birth.
  • If the Sun in the case of a day-birth or Saturn in the case of a night-birth he well-placed and aspected by benefics, and if the lord of the 9th be also strong, the father of the native will live for a long time.
  • If the two luminaries (the Sun and the Moon) be in trine to Saturn and Mars, the child will be abandoned by both the parents. If the 9th bhava be nspected by Jupiter, the child will be long-lived and happy.
  • If Saturn owning the 9th house occupy a moveable sign and be unaspected by benefics, and if the Sun be in a Dusthana, the child concerned lives under the care of a foster-father.
  • If, either the 9th house identical with a moveablc sign, or the lord thereof being in a moveable sign be in conjunction with or aspected by Saturn and if the lord of the 12th house be strong, the chiid born is sure to be adopted by another.
  • When the lord of the 9th bhava has attained a Simhasanamsa and is aspected by the lord of the Lagna as well as by the lord of the 10th bhava, the person born will bestow great gifts.
  • The person born in the above yoga if of Brahminical birth may also become an officiating priest (of the royal household?), or the benevolent director of alms house (a house founded by charity, offering accommodation for poor people). The alternative capacities are to be assigned according to the caste to which the person concerned may belong.
  • When Jupiter is in the 9th bhava and occupies its own Navamsa or is aspected by a benefic planet, the person born will evince (prove) a high sense of filial duty.
  • When the portion of the 9th bhava which is associated with a benefic planet has likewise a Varga of Jupiter and the lord of that bhava occupies a Varga owned by Jupiter, the person born will delight in serving his parents and will be happy.
  • If the lord of the 9th house occupies an amsa owned by Jupiter, Venus or Mercury and is aspected by a benefic planet or is amidst benefic planets, the person born will engage in virtuous acts.
  • When there is a malefic planet in the 9th bhava, the person born will be sinful. When the lord of the 9th bhava is associated with a malefic planet or occupies a malefic 60th portion of a sign, the person concerned will be void of virtue.
  • If the lord of the 9th bhava occupy a Kendra or Trikona in great strength and if the Lagna be aspected by its lord, good fortunes come in a crowd. The same result will follow when the lord of the 10th bhava occupies a Navamsa, a Trimsamsa or a Drekkana of Jupiter. But in either case, the person concerned will not indulge in enjoyments but will devote himself to a strict austere life.
  • Every planet when in its own house or exaltation in the 9th hhava, produces most efficiently a superabundance of wealth and gold to the person concerned. If in the 9th bhava the planets be aspected by benefic ones, the person born will overcome all his opponents, possess a charming constitution and enjoy good fame.
  • When the lord of the Pitrubhava and its Karaka occupy s Dustthana, the astrologer is to declare that the child’s face was not seen by the father because of the planets being badly placed. But if the two planets referred to occupy a Kendra or Trikona position, it is possible to declare that the father has had the good fortune to see the face of the child.
  • If the lord of the 4th bhava, Venus and the Moon be strong and should either occupy the 6th bhava or be in conjunction with its lord, the death of the father will take place at night time. If the Moon be eliminated from the planetary positions named above, the yoga points to the father dying in the day time.
  • When the lord of the 9th hhava being benefic and in strength is aspected or associated with Jupiter or Venus, the person born will engage in the recitation of prayers, holy contemplation or abstract meditation on the nature of the Spirit, according as the portion occupied by the lord of the 9th bhava belongs to a moveable, immoveable or a dual Rasi.
  • When the lord of the 10th or the 9th bhava has attained a Devalokamsa or other higher Vaiscshiksmsa, and a benefic planet is in a Paravatamsa at the same time, the person born will become absorbed in the contemplation of the supreme spirit.
  • When the lord of the 9th bhava being in conjunction with Jupiter has attained a Paravatamsa and the lord of the Lagna is aspectcd by Jupiter, the person born will bestow great gifts.
  • 6L / 6H associated with 9H with / without Rahu » Sarpa Arishta
  • 9H associated with afflicted Sat » Pitru Arishta
  • Permanency in life is given by 9L / 9H. If afflicted ? one will rise very high & fall very low
  • 9H / 9L associated with afflicted Sun » Devta Arishta
  • 9H / 9L associated with afflicted Ven / Moon » Matru Arishta, Kanya Arishta, Goddess Mother Arishta
  • Ven + Sat in 9H » homosexual
  • Jup + Sat in 9H » jealous of women
11Heasy money
2H or 4HParental property
8HHidden wealth
9HUltimate wealth
3HShort jouney
7HForeign Travel / settlement
9HLong journey
12HLong journey & residence in distant lands

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