Important Astrological Rules regarding 10th House

These are the general but important astrological rules compiled from different authentic classical texts of vedic astrology.
- It the lords of 10, 2 and Mercury are powerful, he will perform sacrifices. If Venus, Mercury and Jupiter occupy 3, 6 and 12, the person becomes irreligious. If Rahu or Saturn is in 10, he baths in holy rivers. If Mercury is in 12 or the lord of 12 is exalted, or if Moon occupies 3 being a watery sign, aspected by benefics, the person will bath in sacred rivers. If Jupiter joins Mercury or Mars, the person will build temples.

  1. If the lord of 10 is in it, the person repairs old buildings, temples, churches, or if the lord of 10 occupies Gopuramsa, he repairs tanks and wells.
  2. If Mercury is in 10 and its lord is in 9 without malefics, the person performs many sacrifices.
  3. If the lord of 10 is Mercury and aspected by benefics or is in good Navamsas, the person commands good respect. If Sun is in 10 with Mars, and if the lord of 10 occupies any one of the quadrants, the person will be cruel and greatly feared. If the lord of 10 is with Saturn as also the lord of 8, and join cruel.Navamsas or quadrants, the person will give cruel, and unreasonable commands and he will be greatly feared.
  4. If Sun and Saturn are in 10, or the lord of 10 is between evil planets, the man becomes very unpopular. If 10 is occupied by good planets or its lord is well situated and aspected by benefics, the person will be popular, persevering, and steady in carrying out his works.
  5. If 10 is with Jupiter or other benefics and its lord is with good planets, the person will be obliging and have good business tact.
  6. If malefics occupy 10 and its lord is similarly joined by them, the person becomes careless of his reputation.
  7. If the lord of 6 is in 10, and the lord of 10 is with Saturn, and occupy quadrants or trines, the person commands many servants of both sexes.
  8. If the lord of 10 or the house itself is seen by benefics in company with Saturn, the person will command many servants.
  9. If malefics occupy 10 without being aspected by or in conjunction with good planets, the person will have weak knees.
  10. If the lord of the 10th bhava have no strength, the person born will be fickle-minded and ill behaved; Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn and the Sun if badly placed lead the person concerned to vicious acts. When Rahu or the Sun occupies the 10th bhava, the person born will get the benefit of bathing in the Ganges. When Meena forms the 10th bhava and is occupied by Mercury and Mars, the person born will attain final emancipation.
  11. When the lord of the 10th bhava occupies a Kendra in conjunction with Venus, or is in exaltation, the person born will purify himself by ablutions in the water of the Ganges. When Mercury occupies the 12th bhava or the lord of the last-mentioned bhava is in swaksherra or exaltation, the merit of such ablutions will accrue to the person concerned.
  12. If the lords of the 10th and the lst bhavas be in one place or if these two bhavas have one and the same lord the person born will perform sacrifices and other such meritorious acts with the help of money acquired fairly by himself. If the lord of the 10th bhava be associated with Saturn, the meritorious acts will go on with the help of money contributed by Sudras. If the same planet be associated with Rahu or Ketu, the sacrificial acts of the person concerned will take place by means of money contributed by despicable people; if with Jupiter, the sacrifices, etc., of the person born will be set on foot by contributions from kings; if with the Sun or any other of the remaining planets, the rites will take place with the help of the money supplied by those relations whose karaka the planet in conjunction with the lord of the 10th bhava may happen to be.
  13. If Mercury be in the 10th house, the person born will engage in sacrificial works; but if Mercury in the above position be associated with Rahu or Ketu, the person concerned will destroy religious rites. If the lord of the 10th bhava be in the 6th, 8th or the 12th, he would impede religious rites. If Rahu occupies the 10th place from Mercury identical with the lord of the 10th bhava, the person born would be a destroyer of sacrifices. The lord of the 10th bhava even in exaltation will lead to the destruction of a religious work undertaken when the exaltation house of the planet happens to be a Dustthana.
  14. More than 3 planets conjoined 10L in 10H » Sanyasi
  15. 10L debilitated or associated with debilitated planet » Untimely death
  16. Mer, Gemini, Virgo – connected to foreign things
  17. 10H / 10L associated with Raaj graha (Sun, Mars, Jup) » Govt. service
  18. Politics » 10H, 4H, Sat, Sun, Jup (to some extent)
Jup & Merintellectual avocations like mathematician, scientist, historians, astronomy, lawyer, publishing
VenMusician, singer, dancing, cinema
Sun, Moon, MarsEconomic – bank, insurance, industrialist, mill-owners
MerTraders – book sellers, grocers, journalist, author
Sathard working job – labour, agriculture, carpenter, mill-worker
R/KRoutine worker – clerks, waiter, shop assistant, general staff in office
JupBooks, publishing, religion, charity
SatIndustries, printing-press, hardware business, oil-refineries, mines, iron, labour
VenWoman, hotels, cosmetics, films, coffee, art, vehicles
MerWriting, teaching, educational & research foundations
MarsDrugs, chemicals, lands, timber, minerals, metals, match-sticks, sports
SunPhotography, hereditary profession, wool industry, gold jewellery, banking, auditing, stock-exchange
MoonFarming, milk-diary, wines, coffee, snack-bars, pearls, fish
  1. Find the planet or planets occupying the 10th place reckoned from the Lagna as well as from the Moon. Ascertain which of them is strongest. If the Sun be such a planet, the native gets parental inheritance (from the father); if it be the Moon, he inherits property from the mother; if Mars, he gets money from enemies; if Mercury, from friends; if Jupiter, from brothers; if Venus, from wife; and if the planet be Saturn, he gets wealth from inferiors, such as servants, etc.
  2. The profession is to be determined through the lord or the sign owning the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 10th bhava.
  3. If the Navamsa referred to in the above belong to the Sun, the person concerned will earn a living by dealing in medicine, wool, grass, water, grain, work in gold, pearls and the like, as also by playing the part of an emissary between people wishing to approach each other.
  4. The occupations coming under the Sun are: some honorable employment either under the State or under some public body of men, kings, princes, emperors, dukes, pearls, barons etc., all titled appointments under the crown, jewellers, goldsmiths, gilders, owners of woollen mills or workers there, minters or men employed in mints. and the like.
  5. If the Navamsa under reference be that of the Moon, the person concerned gains a living by dealing in things derived from water such as conchs, pearls, etc, by agriculture, earths of various kind, by indulging in interesting controversies, by purchase of articles of apparel in which the wealth of Iordly women is wont to be laid out.
  6. The employements signified by the Moon generally include sailor, mariners, navigators, fishermen, watermen, boatmen, dealers in pearls, those working in pearl fisheries, midwives, nurses – etc.
  7. If the Navamsa in question belong to Mars, the person gains a livelihood by metallurgy, by war, by exhibiting tricks in which the operation of fire is apparently arrested (Agnisthambha) and by engaging in other people’s quarrels, in any act of dating and lastly by resorting to the profession of a robber.
  8. The professions indicated by Mars are all kinds of military men, such as soldiers, generals, colonels, captains, doctors, physisians, apothecaries, chemists, butchers, executioners, engine drivers and the like—generally all workers in iron, steel or fire.
  9. If the Navamsa belong to Mercury, the person concerned will try to earn his livelihood by persuing the arts, by poetry, by the profession of traditional doctrines, by a knowledge of the stars, by the recitation of the Vedas or muttering of prayers on behalf of others at the instance of the priest that has to direct their religious ceremonies.
  10. Mercury’s employments denote literary authors, translators, writers, accountants, astrologers, school masters, mathematicians, poets, lawyers, book-sellers, printers, postmen, etc.
  11. If the Navamsa belong to Jupiter, the person concerned, say the astrologers will not resort to usury as a source of living, but will support himself with what he can earn by playing the role of an instructor in the service of Brahmins and deities, and by teaching duties in the domain of morals and traditional observances based on scriptures and other old authoritative works.
  12. The occupations denoted by Jupiter include judges, priests, learned men, senators, preachers, clergyman, bishops, ministers and bankers.
  13. If the owner of the Navamsa in question be Venus the living will be derived from a place where gold, ruby, elephants or horses are produced; and by such means as trafficking in cattle, jaggcry, cooked rice, salt, curdled milk and by the allurement of a female.
  14. Venus’s professions indicate dealers in gold, ruby, elephants or horses, cows, laggery, hotel keepers, canfectioners, shepherds, musicians, painters, linen drapers, jewellers, players, embroiderers, lapidaries, scent-dealers, maid-servants etc.
  15. If Saturn be the owner of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 10th place from the Lagna or the Moon, the person concerned will live by engaging in some vile pursuit, by works of art. etc., executed in wood, by the carrying out of punishments, etc., inflicted on criminals, by the bearing of burdens and by the overreaching of other people due to their being mutually at variance.
  16. Saturn’s employments include shoes-makers, scavengers, grave-diggers, undertakers and all persons engaged in similar vile pursuits; they also include gardeners, miners, brick-layers. etc.
  17. Persons at whose birth malefic planets occupy the four Kendras concern themselves with the rites and usages of the low vulgar people, have no property, possess themselves of other people’s women and wealth, are ignorant, and by evincing heroism occasionally become objects of royal favor.
  18. Persons at whose birth, benefic planets occupy the four Kendras will be lordly men and turn out the best of their race and founders of families; or they will be endowed with an intellect that can comprehand all things and have abundant wealth, fame and excellent virtues, by means of which they will become royal favorites.
  19. If benefic planets be in the 10th bhava reckoned from the Lagna or the Moon or in a Navamsa owned by the Rasi of the 10th bhava, the person born will always be beneficient. But if malefic planets be in the bhava or amsa referred to above, the person born will be addicted to evil deeds.
  20. If the lord of the Rasi occupied by the planet owning the 10 bhava or an amsa thereof be malefic and associated with an Upagraha such as Dhuma, the person born will be wicked.
  21. If the planet occupying the 10th place from the Moon be the Sun, the person concerned will succeed in all that he undertakes; if Mars, he will be rash and evil minded; if Mercury, he will be learned; if Jupiter, he will be a king’s peer; if Venus, a voluptuary; and lastly, if the planet in question be Saturn, he will be afllicted with sorrow.
  22. If the Sun occupying the 10th place from the Moon be associated with Mars, the person born will be addicted to wine and to females belonging to other peeple; if the Sun in the same position be associated with Mercury, the person born will have a knowledge of the stars and will evince a fondness for such objects as valuable articles obtained from water, women and ornaments; if Jupiter be associated with tne Sun in the position referred to, the person born will be successful in all his undertakings and enjoy the esteem of his sovereign; if Venus be in conjunction with the Sun in the 10th bhava from the Moon, he will enjoy royal favor and will have a wife with increasing wealth; if Saturn be together with the Sun in the position adverted to above, the person born will be poor and dejected.
  23. If Mars and Mercury occupy the 10th place from the Moon, the person born will earn his livelihood by means of his scientific knowledge; if Mars and Jupiter occupy that place, he will dominate over the vulgar people; if Mars be associated with Venus in the 10th place from the Moon, the person will become a merchant trading in foreign lands; if Mars and Saturn be in that position the person concerned will engage in daring deeds and will be childless. If Mercury and Jupiter be together in the 10th place from the Moon, the person born will be barren, of dejected speech, renowned and in royal favor.
  24. If Mercury and Venus occupy the 10th place from the Moon, the person born will be blessed with learning, wife and wealth; if Mercury occupy that place with Saturn, the person will be either a copyist of books or betake himself to unbecoming ways. If Jupiter be combined with Venus in the 10th bhava from the Moon, the person born will be a protector of the Brahminical community, esteemed by his sovereign and possessed of great learning. If the planet associated with Jupiter in that position be Saturn, the person born will skilfully contrive to trouble every body and will tenaciously adhere to his undertakings.
  25. If Venus and Saturn occupy the 10th place from the Moon, the person born will manufacture a fragrant black powder and similar cosmetic substances, will practise medicine and engage in trade.
  26. When the lord of the 10th bhava is a benefic planet, or is in conjunction with or aspected by a benefic planet, or is in occupation of a benefit Navamsa, the person born will be in a position of authority.
  27. If the lord of the 10th bhava, associated with Saturn and aspected by the lord of the 8th bhava, occupy a malefic Navamsa or a Kendra Rasi, the person born will have to obey the behests of a cruel master.
  28. When the Moon occupying the sign Cancer and aspected by Jupiter and Venus attains a Paravata or other higher Vaiseshikamsa, the person born will enjoy good reputation and affluence.
  29. When the lord of the 10th bhava is associated with a benefic planet or is in the midst of two benefic planets or occupies a Navamsa of a benefic planet, the person born will have fame and a high sense of honor.
  30. When the 10th bhava is occupied as well as aspected by a malefic planet and the lord of that bhava is reduced in strength, the person born will be a slanderer, without self respect, with no name, power, influence or act that he can call his own.
  31. If the lord of the 10th bhava as also of the Navamsa which it occupies-if these two planets be associated with Saturn and in conjunction with or aspected by the lord of the 6th bhava, the person born will have many wives.
  32. If Mars and the lord of the 4th bhava being strong occupy a Kendra, a Trikona or the 11th bhava, and if the lord of the 10th bhava be aspected by or in conjuncrion with Venus and the Moon, the person will engage in such pursuits as agriculture and will have wealth of cattle. If Mercury be connected with the 10th bhava, the person concerned will always be engaged in mercantile transaCtions, and according as the planet or planets occupying the 10th bhava are benefic, malefic or both, he will be vigorous, slothful or of a mixed nature.

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