Effect of Libra Lagna Rising in Vedic Astrology

To the person born in Libra lagna Jupiter, Sun, are inauspicious. Mercury and Saturn are productive of good. Saturn aloue is capable of giving Rajayogam. The combination of Moon and Mercury produces Rajayogam.

Mars himself will not kill the person born in Libra even when possessed of death-inflicting powers.

Jupiter and other evil planets kill the person when possessed of death-inflicting powers.

Explanation: Jupiter, Sun are declared to be evil. Jupiter owns 3rd and 6th houses, both of which are bad, and their Lord therefore is ill-disposed.

Sun is the Lord of the 11th house. And we have already been told that the Lord of the 11th house is evil. Saturn and Mercury are good. Saturn is the Lord of the 4th and 5th houses and the combination of these two house & by one and the same planet is highly productive of good. This combination howevet is not so good as the combination of the Lord of the 9th and 12th houses. Mercury is the Lord of the 9th and 12th houses of which the Lordship of the 9th is good, while the Lordship of the 12th is bad. But Mercury is a great friend of Venus, the
lord of the sign Libra. This strengthens the good feeling between them and Mercury declares himself in favour of persons born in his friend’s houses.

Saturn alone is capable of giving Rajayogam. Moon and Mercury, when combined produce much Rajyoga. Mars himself does not kill the person even when he is possessed of death infilcting powers. Jupiter and other evil planets kill the person born in Libra, when he is possessed of death-inflicting powers. Mars has been declared to be not able to kill the person himself. Moon is the Lord of the 10th house while Mercury is tbe Lord of the 9th house. We have it elsewhere distinctiy stated that the combination of the Lords of the 9th and 10th is productive of good. In the case of the oombination of·Moon and Mercury, the author seems to have noted some difference. In the beginning he stated that Saturn alone is able to give Rajayogam. In the case of Saturn, he becomes perfectly good as the two houses he owns are the 4th and 5th and both are good. But in the case of Mercury and Moon, there is some difference. Moon, it is true, is the Lord of the 10th house and as he is Lord of one house he becomes good if he is in combination with the Lord of the 9th. But the Lord of the 9th is also the Lord of the 12th, and Mercury therefore cannot do so much good as Saturn can do. Venus is the Lord of the Lagna and nothing is said of him. The author simply says Jupiter and other evil planets, kill the person when they possess death powers. Jupiter is evil, for he owns 3rd and 6th houses. Mars is bad, for he owns 2nd and 7th houses but he himself does not kill. Sun is the Lord of the 11th and he is bad.

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