Effect of Lagna falling in various 12 signs of the Zodiac in Vedic Astrology

The planets ruling different signs will also have their effect on the Ascendants falling in Rashi or signs ruled by them. The Ascendant is the first house where the analysis of the chart and assessment of its strength is to be started. An astrologer should consider the effects of the sign, its lord, the Navamsha in in which the ascendant falls and should be sure about the correctness of Lagna before any prediction is ventured.

One should try to understand the basic rules of astrology w.r.t. finding benefic and malefic planets for predictive purpose.

  • Lords of the 6th, 8th, 12th, 3rd and 11th houses produce evil.
  • Evil planets in the 3rd, 6th and 11th houses are very powerful and produce success, wealth and health
  • The lords of the 2nd and 12th houses give good or bad results according as they are in conjunction with the lords of other houses and the nature of the houses they occupy.
  • Lord of the 8th house produces evil because he owns the 12th house from the 9th, which is the house of Bhagya (wealth). If he chances to be the lord of 1st also, he becomes good.
  • Ravi and Chandra do not give evil even when they own the 8th house. Mars does not become good when he owns only the 10th house. He must own the 5th also to become thoroughly good. (Cancer Lagna birth)
  • Rahu and Ketu give the same results as those given by the houses they occupy, the planets they are in conjunction with, and the aspects they are subjected to but with greater strength.
  • If the lords of the Kendras are in conjunction with the lords of the Trikonas without being associated with the lords of other houses, they become extremely powerful in producing good results.
  • The lords of the Kendras and Trines in conjunction produce good from the simple fact of their union even when they are weak otherwise. If the lords of the 9th and I0th houses join together and occupy the 9th or 10th, or if the lord of the 9th occupies the 9th and the lord of the 10th occupies 10th house they produce good.
  • Evil planets viz. lords of 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, and 12th houses, when in conjunction with powerful Rajayoga planets, also produce favourable results in their subperiods according to their own sources of strength at the time.
  • Powerful planets lose a part of their strength to produce good when they are joined with evil planets and powerless planets gain some good by joining with powerful planets.
  • When Rahu and Ketu occupy Kendras or Trines with the lords of other Kendras or Trines they produce good.
  • Where the lord of the 9th and 10th houses are joined by the lords of the 8th and 11th houses success is at risk.
  • Lords of the 5th and 9th houses are always good, while lords of the 3rd, 6th and 11th are always evil.
  • When Benefics own quadrants they produce evil. When Malefics own quadrants they produce good ; the good and evil planets become more and more powerful as they are lords of 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th, houses; 5th and 9th houses; or 3rd, 6th and 11th houses respectively.
  • In the case of evil planets they gradually grow stronger by being owners of the later quadrants or kendras and get the highest power when they become lords of the 10th. The reverse holds good with good planets. Benefics owning first house are not so bad as those owning 4th, and those who own 7th are worse than those who rule the 4th, and those who own the 10th are the worst
    of the whole lot.
  • Jupiter and Venus owning quadrants become very inauspicious. When they occupy the 2nd and 7th houses with such ownership, they become powerful in inflicting certain death to the native.
  • Mercury is less malicious than Jupiter and Venus and Moon is less than Mercury. Sun and Moon do not give evil even when they own the 8th house.
  • Lords of Kendras joining with or lying between lords of Trikonas produce Rajayoga.
  • The 2nd house is stronger in inflicting death than the 7th; planets who occupy the 2nd are stronger in killing persons than the lords of the 2nd; those who are in conjunction with the lord of the 2nd are still more
    powerful in causing death.
  • The close of the periods of the planets who are with the lords of the 2nd and 7th houses causes death; next the periods of the planets who occupy the 2nd and the 7th houses cause death; if death does no happen in the above circumstances, it will be caused in the dasas of the lords of the 2nd and 7th houses.
  • Natural benefics as lords of quadrants (houses 1,4,7 and 10) shed their beneficence.
  • Natural malefics as lords of quadrants shed their malefic nature.
  • Lords of trines (houses 1,5 and 9) give benefic results no matter whether by their inherent nature they are benefics or malefics.
  • Lord of the lagna is both the lord of a quadrant and a trine. It is thus supposed to give benefic results irrespective of it’s inherent nature.
  • Lords of the 3rd, 6th, and 11th houses are always malefic.
  • The lord of the 8th house has a special propensity to do evil. The eighth house represents obstructions, obstacles, failures, intrigues, ailments, death and the like. The following points must be remembered while considering the 8th house:
  • Eighth house is the 12th from 9th (indicating loss of Bhagya); hence its lord is ever malefic.
  • Twelfth house from lagna indicates loss. Twelfth house from any house indicates loss of that house. Since the ninth house stands for Bhagya (luck), virtues, pious deeds, religious inclinations, father, etc., the twelfth from it (i.e., the 8th) indicates the loss of all these. Loss of fortune or luck is considered the biggest loss.
  • When the 8th lord is also the lagna lord, the benefic nature of the lagna lordship prevails, and the 8th lord tends to behave as a benefic unless it is particularly afflicted or ill-placed.
  • The eighth lord is still more malefic when it also lords over the 3rd or the 11th house.
  • The eighth lord becomes a benefic when it also owns a trine.
  • The evil effects of the eighth house lordship do not apply to the Sun or the Moon. Note : The Moon is the 8th lord for Sagittarius ascendant, and the Sun for Capricorn ascendant. According to the sage Parashara, the Sun and the Moon remain un-afilicted by the eighth house lordship. This, however, may not hold true in actual practice, at least in medical astrology;
  • When a planet owns both a quadrant and a nine, it becomes particularly useful and is called a Raja-yoga-karaka (door of great benefit). It gives additional benefit if it is also located in a quadrant or a trine.
  • Only the ownership of a quadrant does not convert a malefic into a benefic. The malefic must also own a nine to completely shed its malevolence.
  • The blemish of kendra lordship (ownership of quadrants), as applicable to benefics, increases progressively from the Moon, to Mercury, to Jupiter, to Venus.
  • Full Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus, in this order, are progressively more powerful as benefics.
  • Waning Moon, the Sun, Saturn and Mars, in this order, are progressively more powerful as malefics.

When the lord of a quadrant is in some way related to the lord of a trine, a Raja Yoga (or a highly benefic combination) is formed. Benefic combinations in a horoscope neutralise affliction and are good for remaining free from disease. Relationship between any two house lords can be in one of the following ways:

  • By location in the same house (conjunction).
  • By mutual aspect.
  • By an exchange of houses (Parivartana Yoga).
  • When one of them is placed in the other’s house and this latter aspects the former.

Note : When the lords of quadrants and trines are related in one of the ways indicated above, they still do not produce a Raja yoga if they also own the Papasthanas (adverse houses), i.e., houses 3, 6 and 11.

Rahu and Ketu give results according to the house where they are located, and according to the planet (i.e., the lord of a house) whom they join.

Rahu and Ketu become Yogakarakas (productive of Raja Yoga) in the following situations:

  • When they are placed in a quadrant, and join a trine lord; or
  • When they are placed in a trine, and join a quadrant lord.

Rahu also behaves as Saturn and Ketu also as Mars.

The Twenty-second (22nd) Drekkana is the Drekkana that falls exactly seven houses away from the lagna. It thus falls in the 8th house on the same degrees as those of the lagna. Place the degrees of the lagna in the sign occupying the 8th house of the birth chart and determine its Drekkana. The lord of that sign and the planets falling in that sign in the Drekkana chart are evil and capable of causing death and disease. When a Drekkana chart is cast, the 8th house of this chart indicates the 22nd Drekkana. The lord of this house as well as the planets falling in that house prove malefic.

Whereas the 22nd Drekkana is calculated from the lagna, the 64th Navamsha is calculated from the Moon. It falls exactly seven houses away from the Moon. Place the degrees of the Moon in the sign 8th from it, and determine the Navamsha of that sign. The lord of that Navamsha is the lord of the 64th Navarnsha, and, along with planets falling therein in the Navamsha chart, behaves as a malefic. In the usual Navamsha chart, the sign falling in the 4th house from the Moon happens to be the lord of the 64th Navamsha; this-lord as also its associates, and the planets falling in that house in the Navamsha Chart behave as evil planets.

The second and third Drekkana of the sign Karka, the first and the second of the sign Vrishchika, and the last Drekkana of the sign Meena are termed the Sarpa (serpent) Drekkanas. Planets falling in these Drekkanas tend to produce ill health during their periods and sub~periods if other factors also indicate thus.

Now, choose the lagna sign from the list below to learn further:

Aries (Mesha) 
Taurus (Vrishabha) 
Gemini (Mithuna) 
Cancer (Karka) 
Leo (Simha) 
Virgo (Kanya) 
Libra (Tula) 
Scorpio (Vrischika) 
Sagittarius (Dhanu) 
Capricorn (Makara) 
Aquarius (Kumbha) 
Pisces (Meena)

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