Characteristics of Rasis

We learnt that the zodiac of 360º is divided into 12 equal parts of 30º. We learnt these are called rasis (signs). We learnt the Name of 12 Rasis in Vedic astrology and their introduction in previous article. Different rasis have different properties and they stand for different things. We will learn them in this small chapter.

The whole zodiac is nothing but a manifestation of Lord Vishnu’s body. Aries is the head. Taurus is the face. Gemini is the arms. Cancer is the heart. Leo is the stomach. Virgo is the hip. Libra is the space below navel. Scorpio is the private parts. Sagittarius is the thighs. Capricorn is the knees. Aquarius is the ankles. Pisces is the feet.

These are the limbs that rasis in the natural zodiac stand for. Because we are all part of the Supreme energy governing this world, the above mapping applies to us too. For example, we should pay attention to Leo for analyzing stomach problems and to Pisces for analyzing problems related to feet and so on

(1) Ar, Ge, Le, Li, Sg and Aq are called odd rasis or vishama rasis or oja rasis. They are also known as male rasis. If more planets are in odd rasis, the native may have more strength and courage.
(2) Ta, Cn, Vi, Sc, Cp and Pi are called even rasis or sama rasis or yugma rasis. They are also known as female rasis. if more planets are in even rasis, qualities like sober, beautiful / handsome will predominate the native.

Male: Ar, Ge, Le, Li, Sg and Aq
(All Agni and Vayu Rashisand all odd signs). The male signs are dominating, active and aggressive.

Female: Ta, Cn, Vi, Sc, Cp and Pi

(All Jal and Prithvi Rashis and even signs).

The Female signs are gentle, submissive (i.e. ready to conform to the authority or will of others) and passive (i.e. accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or resistance.)

This division is used in some dasas and in the determination of the sex of children.

(1) Ar, Ta, Ge, Li, Sc and Sg are called odd-footed rasis or vishamapada rasis or ojapada rasis.
(2) Cn, Le, Vi, Cp, Aq and Pi are called even-footed rasis or samapada rasis or or yugmapada rasis.

This division is used in some dasas.

(1) Ar, Cn, Li and Cp are known as chara rasis or movable rasis. They are ruled by Brahma, the Creator. Their nature is to move and to be dynamic.
(2) Ta, Le, Sc and Aq are known as sthira rasis or fixed rasis. They are ruled by Shiva, the Destroyer. Their nature is to be stable and constant.
(3) Ge, Vi, Sg and Pi are known as dwiswabhava rasis or dual rasis. They are ruled by Vishnu, the Sustainer. They are stable sometimes and dynamic sometimes.

Movable sign means “quick results”. If someone starts journey in movable sign, the native returns quickly OR the native gets quick relief from the disease given by movable sign.

Work started in fixed sign lasts longer. If someone enters new home in Fixed sign, they will stay in that home for years OR the native suffers for many months / years from the disease given by fixed sign.

The first half of dual sign gives results like movable sign and the second half gives results like fixed sign. Becuase of giving mixed results, they are known as dual signs.

According to Hindu philosophy, this world is made up of 5 elements – fire, water, air, earth and ether. Water is a substance with a flexible state. Air is a substance with a varying state. Earth is a substance with a constant and solid state. Fire is a substance that transforms the state of things. Ether is something that is present everywhere.

For example, suppose one has a good memory and remembers something he learnt 10 years back. It involves a skill of earthy nature. Suppose a poet’s imagination creates a nice poem that appeals to one’s aesthetic sense. This involves watery skills.

Suppose one is in a bad mood and his mind is wandering aimlessly. This shows airy state of the mind.

These 5 elements are behind every material substance, every action, every thought, every emotion and every happening in this universe.

(1) Ar, Le and Sg are called agni rasis or fiery rasis.
(2) Ta, Vi and Cp are called bhoo / prithvi rasis or earthy rasis.
(3) Ge, Li and Aq are called vaayu rasis or airy rasis.
(4) Cn, Sc and Pi are called jala rasis or watery rasis.
(5) The 5th element of aakaasa or ether is present in every rasi.

Fiery rasis people are brave, independent, ambitious.

Earthy rasis people are serious, save money for future, keen to give food to others, defensive, practical, attentive

Airy Rasis people get easily influenced by others, imaginative, happy, capable of debating, helpful to others, keen in music

Watery rasis people easily adapt themselves as per surroundings; so not many ambitious, writers, teachers, artist, keen in music

Let us see how these may be used. For example, the 5th house in one’s chart shows one’s emotional nature. The 5th house in a fiery sign may show a normally angry, aggressive or determined person. The 5th house in an earthy sign may show a balanced, logical and stable person. The 5th house in an airy sign may show someone with unstable and wandering emotions. The 5th house in a watery sign may show one with an imaginative and creative mind.

Friends : Earthy Rasis and Watery Rasis, Fiery rasis and Airy rasis

Enemies: Earthy and Fiery, Watery and Fiery, Watery and Airy Rasis

Ayurveda is India’s Vedic medical system that recognizes human body and everything else in the universe as having 3 natures that are formed with the above 5 elements:

Pitta or bilious nature is a combination of the elements of fire and water. It shows things that result in tranformation in a system. In a human body, for example, it may show digestion etc.
Vaata or windy nature is a combination of the elements of air and ether. It shows things that move in and out of a system. In a human body, for example, it may show breathing etc.
Kapha or phlegmatic nature is a combination of the elements of earth and water. It shows things that bind a system together. In a human body, for example, it may show bones, muscles, fat etc. It shows things that give a structure to a system.

Ar, Le and Sg are of pitta nature.

Ta, Vi and Cp are of vaata nature.

Cn, Sc and Pi are of kapha nature.

Ge, Li and Aq are of a mixed nature.

In Hindu philosophy, everything in this universe has one of 3 gunas (qualities). They are called trigunas. Sattwa (purity) is a quality that gives truthfulness and purity. Rajas or rajo guna (energy) is a quality that makes one energetic and passionate. Tamas or tamo guna (darkness) is a quality that makes one depraved.

As an example, let us say a saint is living in a small hermitage. Let us say a man living in a local forest comes, makes fun of the saint and abuses him for no reason. Let us say a king fights with that man after finding out about this. Let us say that the saint tells him to leave the man and yet the king punishes him.

The saint shows sattva guna and he is not bothered by petty things. He ignores the abuse. He is a pure person. The man abusing the saint for no reason shows tamo guna, as he is in the dark. Abusing a saattwik person for no reason is a pathetic thing to do and only a depraved person in darkness can do it. The king acts appropriatesly and shows his energy by defeating the man. So far it is sattwa guna (the state of being true). But the king punishes the man ignoring the advice of the saint to forgive him. His passionate response makes him a person with rajo guna.

(1) Saattwik signs, i.e. signs with sattwa guna, are – Cn, Le, Sg, Pi.
(2) Raajasik signs, i.e. signs with rajo guna, are – Ar, Ta, Li, Sc.
(3) Taamasik signs, i.e. signs with tamo guna, are – Ge, Vi, Cp, Aq.

(1) Ar, Le and Sg show east (Agni).
(2) Ta, Vi and Cp show south (Prithvi).
(3) Ge, Li and Aq show west (Vayu).
(4) Cn, Sc and Pi show north (Jal).

These are also very useful in predictions. These can be used for many purposes, but they are mostly used to decide from which directions the bride or groom will come and also to which directions the person has gone or will go or transferred etc.

This can also be used for predicting best direction for job / business to the native. E.g., if in a horoscope LL, 9L and 10L are in Scorpio rasi, one can predict that the native will get success from north direction.

Ar shows blood-red color. Ta shows white. Ge shows grass green. Cn shows pale red. Le shows white. Virgo is variegated. Libra shows black. Scorpio shows reddish brown. Sagittarius shows the color of the husk of grass. Capricorn is variegated. Aquarius shows brown color (that of a mongoose). Pisces shows cream color or the the color of fish

(1) Ar, Ta, Ge, Cn, Sg and Cp are night time rasis (Nocturnal) – they are strong during the night time. They are nishaa rasis.
(2) Le, Vi, Li, Sc, Aq and Pi are daytime rasis (Diurnal) – they are strong during the daytime. They are divaa rasis.

Out of the two rasis owned by a planet, one is a day sign and one is a night sign.

Moon governs all the nishaa rasis and Sun governs all the divaa rasis.

Note: The day is from sun rise to sunset, and the night from sunset to sunrise.

Some rasis rise with their head. They are called “Seershodaya rasis”. Some rasis rise with their feet. They are called “Prishthodaya rasis”.

(1) Ge, Le, Vi, Li, Sc, Aq are Seershodaya rasis.
(2) Ar, Ta, Cn, Sg, Cp are Prishthodaya rasis.
(3) Pi rises with both its head and feet.

It is said that planets in Seershodaya rasis give their results in the first half of their dasas and planets in Prishthodaya rasis give their results in the second half of their dasas.

Biped (human beings / Nara) : Gemini, Virgo, Libra, the first half of Sagittarius,(Represented by man with arrow) and Aquarius.
Watery : Cancer, Pisces and later half of Capricorn.
Quadruped / Pasu : Aries, Taurus, Leo, later half of Sagittarius (represented by horse) and first half of Capricorn (front portion is of goat).
Keeta (multilegged insect etc.) : Scorpio

If Biped Signs are birth signs, or Lagnas they are good.

Watery rasis are powerful when they become the fourth houses from lagna

Quadruped rasis become powerful when they are 10th house from Lagna

Keeta rasi is powerful when it is the seventh house from Lagna

In Hinduism, people are divided into 4 varnas or classes – (1) Brahmanas, (2) Kshatriyas, (3) Vaisyas and (4) Sudras. Brahmanas pursue knowledge and work as priests or ministers. Kshatriyas are valiant and they become kings, army chiefs and soldiers. Vaisyas are the traders and suppliers of various services. Sudras execute various menial tasks.

(1) Brahmanas (scholars, Teacher, Priest, Preacher) are represented by watery signs – Cn, Sc, Pi.
(2) Kshatriyas (warriors) are represented by by fiery signs – Ar, Le, Sg.
(3) Vaisyas (traders, farmers) are represented by by earthy signs – Ta, Vi, Cp.
(4) Sudras (workers, serving class) are represented by by airy signs – Ge, Li, Aq.

There are other classifications like Dwara (Entrance), Bahya (outside) and Garbha (Inside) rasis. They are

Dwara: Mesha, Karkataka, Thula, Makara

Bahya: Vrishabha, Simha, Vrischika, Kumbha
Garbha: Mithuna, Kanya, Dhanus, Meena

Similarly they are divided into Dhattu (mineral), Moola (vegetable) and Jeeva (human) rasis :

Dhatu: Mesha, Karkataka, Thula, Makara

Moola: Vn’shabha, Simha, Vrischika, Kumbha

Jeeva: Mithuna, Kanya, Dhanus, Meena

The twelve signs of the zodiac each have a specific appearance and a habitat.

The sign Mesha resembles a ram. It circulates among the goats, the sheep and regions holding wealth and precious stones. It wanders on grassy lands, and around lakes surrounded by vegetation.

The sign Vrisha resembles a bull. Cowhouses and farmlands are its place of residence.

A man and a woman bearing a trumpet and a harp represent the sign Mithuna whose places of residence are the couch and the lounge. It circulates amongst the singers, the dancers and the sculptors. This dual sign haunts the sports lovers and the pleasure houses.

Cancer has the appearance of a crab and lives in water. Its places of residence include water-filled garden beds, rive banks and un-inhabited lands.

Simha (resembling a lion) resides in the mountains, forests, caves, inaccessible places, deep ditches and the living places of hunters.

Kanya (consists of a woman) standing in a boat and holding corn and a lamp in her hand, inhabits women’s pleasure rooms.

Tula is represented by a man holding a balance in his hand, and its residences include lanes, bazaars, towns, routes and buildings.

Vrishchika resembles the scorpion in appearance. It moves in crevices and pits. Its areas of residence include poisons, animal excreta, stones and insects.

Of Dhanu, the legs are like those of a horse. It is radiant and holds a bow and arrow. Well versed in horse riding, in handling of arms and in doing daring and brave deeds, it resides in elephants, chariots etc.

The mouth of Makara is like that of a deer, shoulders like those of a bull and eyes like those of an elephant. It moves in the rivers and resides in the ocean.

Kumbha resembles a man wearing wet clothes and holding on his shoulders an empty pitcher. It moves in gambling houses and resides in drinking dens.

The sign Meena consists of two fishes lying side by side, the head of one being beside the tail of the other. It circulates in the places of pilgrimage and in the oceans. It haunts pious places, temples of gods and houses of Brahmins.

Aries: Dynamic, enterprising, valiant, ruddy, head, forests, large forehead, hasty, impulsive, restless, thick eyebrows, leadership, overbearing, dry, lean, tall.

The place of jewels, metals, fire, the earth’s surface having jewels and minerals underneath. Travels during daytime in forests and night time in city or village. Colour-bloodred, lunar sign, Malefic sign, strong, short Ascension, Abodes in forest. He has round eyes, square face, good practicability, social, bad temper, does not hesitate to utter falsehood. Prishtodaya sign. Rajo guna predominates and blind at dead of night.

Taurus: Beautiful, face, stable, sluggish, loyal, meadows, plains, luxury halls, dining halls, eating places, fine teeth, large eyes, luxurious, faithful, thick hair, stout.

The forestor field, land where cattle or agriculturist reside, it travels during daytime in fields and night time in villages field with water where paddy is grown. Colour – white, Lunarsign, benefic, broad thighs, big face, forgiving, hardship, prominent eyes,behave like a bull, practicalability, bad temper when provoked, villages, businessmen, Prishtodaya, strong at night.

Gemini: Chest, garden, communication, journalism, schools, colleges, study rooms, cables, telephone, newspapers, tall, well-built, prominent cheeks, thick hair, broad chest, curious, learned, jovial.

The places where dancers, singers, artist, women of pleasure reside, a bedroom, the place for sexual enjoyment and indoor sports, places where cards or other kinds of betting goes on, gambling dens etc. Colour-parrot green, lunar sign, malefic, average ascensions, Ubhayodaya sign, curly hair, blacklips, skillled in intprpreting other people’s thoughts, an elevated nose, likes music and house keeping, slender arms and long fingers, shy, lives in villages, blind at mid day.

Cancer: Heart, breast, watery fields, rivers, canals, kitchen, food, attractive, small build, emotional, deeply attached, mother-like, sensitive.

Watery fields where paddy is grown, wells, tanks, river banks where there is an abundance of planets, shrubs and trees due to moisture and extra humidity, a chasm with water, colour-whitish red, Lunar sector, long in Ascension, fast in walking, fond of wealth, occult tendencies, Benefic sign, sature disposition, social nature, not selfish but sacrifices for others.

Leo: Stomach, digestion, navel, mountains, forests, caves, deserts, palaces, parks, forts, boilers, steel factories, thin, dry, hot, royal, self-pride, insolent, domineering.

The regions of deep forest, mountains, hills and hillocks, forts, colour-pale white like smoke,solar sign, spine part, medium ascension, strong in day, Shirshodaya sign, abodes in caves, mountains etc., reddish eyes, large’cheeks, broadface, honourable, malefic sign, blind at dead of night.

Virgo: Hip, appendix, lush gardens, fields, orchards, libraries, bookstores, farms, intelligent, sharp, orator, nervous, physically weak, discretion, tactfulness.

The place of artisanship, place of enjoyment of women, pasture land, land with water, land with corn, colour-variegated or multicoloured, benefic, medium ascension, Shirshodaya sign, vegetation land, shoulders and arms dropping, truthhful and kindly, limited number of issues, dark hair, good mental ability, methodical and critical, solar sign. Blindat mid day.

Libra: Groins, Businessmen, markets, trade centers, banks, hotels, amusement parks, entertainment, toilets, cosmetics, balanced, wise, good talker.

High land where corn is grown (grain was the chief commodity or merchandise and libra represents the scales for weighing), place of business or offices, street shops, a rich man’s place of abode (the merchant’s used to be rich) a merchant’s house. Colour black, solar sign medium ascension, shirshodaya sign, marketplace, fair appearance, impartial in argument, brave, body slender in youth but bends to corpulence, round face, good complexion, malefic sign. Deaf in the forenoon.

Scorpio: Private parts, holes, deep caves, mines, garrages, small build, dusky complexion, bright eyes, secretive, scheming, occult, best friend or a worst enemy, peevish, sensitive.

Places having holes or cavities where serpents and others live, poison, crevices in hillocks or mountains, hidden places, golden- colour, solar sign, benefic, secret part of human body, long ascension, shirshodaya sign. Broad and expansive eyes and a broad chest, suffer from disease in early age, will do cruel acts, self reliance, courage, endurance and executive ability, Benefic sign. Deaf in the forenoon.

Sagittarius: Thighs, royal, attorneys, government offices, aircraft, falling, sparse hair, muscular, deep eyes, uproght, honest, genial, gambler.

The places where authorities live or work, horses, chariots and elephants live, the king’s residence etc. are represented by this. Brownnish colour,solar sign, in malefic, strong in day, long ascension, Prishtodaya sign, abodes battlefield, long face and neck, big ears and nose, great strength, liberal, cheerful, good at heart, likes physical culture and travelling, and having loud voice. Deaf in the afternoon and lame and become fatal in two periods of twilight.

Capricorn: Knees, marsh lands, watery places, alligators, beasts, bushes, slender buils, long neck, prominent teeth, witty, perfectionist, patient, organizer, cautious, secretive, pragmatic.

Rivers, forest, watery places,rich or abounding in water, banks, or sides of river or mountains. Wheatish yellow colour, solar sign, benefic, average ascension, Prishtodaya sign, weak in the lower limbs, good strength, indolent, prominent nose etc. Deaf in the afternoon and lame and becomes fate in the two periods of twilight (Sandhya period).

Aquarius: Ankles, charity, philosophy, tall, bony, small eyes, mountain spring, places with water, ill-formed teeth, coarse hair, hard-working, stoic, honest.

Places where water has dried up, where men who manufacture liquors or birds live, place in the house where pots are kept, the place frequented by potters. Colour darkish white, Lunar sign, legs, malefic, strong in day, shirshodaya sign etc. Fair looking, intellectual, hair dark and has forgiving temperament.

Pisces: Feet, oceans, seas, prisons, hospitals, hermitages, short, plump, large eyes, large eyebrows, lazy, emotional, timid, honest, irresolute, talkative, intuitive.

Religious and holy places, rivers where sacred baths are undertaken, seas, oceans, places where there are temples and shrines, violet colour, Lunar sign, benefic, short ascension, Ubhayodaya sign, symmetrical and shining body, fond of wife, learned, reserved etc.

RasisBody Parts
GeminiNeck and Shoulders
LeoHeart and Stomach
LibraLower Stomach and Navel
ScorpioSexual Organs
AquariusButtocks, calves

Signs occupied by good planets give health and strength to the organs indicated by them and those occupied by evil planets denote weakness or deformity in those organs.

Of short stature are signs Mesha, Vrisha, Kumbha and Meena (i.e., 1,2, 11 and 12).
Of tall stature are the signs Simha, Kanya, Tula and Vrischika (i.e., 5, 6, 7 and 8).
Of even stature are the signs Mithuna, Karka, Dhanu and Makara, (i.e., 3, 4, 9 and 10).

Note: Stature here has nothing to do with signs of long ascension and those of short ascension.

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